QB365 covers complete information about 12th Standard CBSE Economics - New Subject for 2024-2025 Exam. Question Bank includes 12th Standard CBSE Economics - New Subjects Book back, exercise, Updated Question types MCQ, Case Study , Assertion and reason with solution, Previous year asked questions, all possible questions and other key points also. All question with detailed answers are readily available for preparting Maths question papers.
Introduction to Macroeconomics
National Income and Related Aggregates
Money and Banking
Determination of Income and Employment
National Income Determination and Multiplier
Excess Demand and Deficient Demand
Government Budget and the Economy
Foreign Exchange Rate
Balance of Payment
Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
Indian Economy 1950-1990
Economic Reforms Since 1991
Human Capital Formation in India
Rural Development
Employment: Growth Information and other Issues
Environment and Sustainable Development
Development Experience of India - A Comparison with Neighbours