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11th Standard - old வேதியியல் English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

Chemical Calculations
General Introduction to Metallurgy
Atomic Structure - I
Periodic Classification - I
Group 1 s-Block elements
Group 2 s-Block elements
p-Block elements
Solid state - I
Gaseous state - I
Chemical Bonding
Colligative Properties
Thermodynamics - I
Chemical Equilibrium - I
Chemical Kinetics - I
Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry
Purification of Organic compounds
Detection and Estimation of Elements
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Organic Halogen Compounds

11th Standard - old வேதியியல் English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025 Syllabus

Chemical Calculations

Significant figures - SI units - Dimensions - Writing number in scientific notation - Conversion of scientific notation to decimal notation - Factor label method - Calculations using densities and specific gravities - Calculation of formula weight - Understanding Avogadro’s number - Mole concept-mole fraction of the solvent and solute - Conversion of grams into moles and moles into grams - Calculation of empirical formula from quantitative analysis and percentage composition - Calculation of molecular formula from empirical formula - Laws of chemical combination and Dalton’s atomic theory - Laws of multiple proportion and law of reciprocal proportion - Postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory and limitations - Stoichiometric equations - Balancing chemical equation in its molecular form - Oxidation reduction-Oxidation number - Balancing Redox equation using oxidation number - Calculations based on equations. - Mass/Mass relationship - Methods of expressing concentration of solution - Calculations on principle of volumetric analysis - Determination of equivalent mass of an element - Determination of equivalent mass by oxide, chloride and hydrogen displacement method - Calculation of equivalent mass of an element and compounds - Determination of molar mass of a volatile solute using Avogadro’s hypothesis.

General Introduction to Metallurgy

Ores and minerals - Sources from earth, living system and in sea - Purification of ores-Oxide ores sulphide ores magnetic and non magnetic ores - Metallurgical process - Roasting-oxidation - Smelting-reduction - Bessemerisation - Purification of metals-electrolytic and vapour phase refining - Mineral wealth of India.

Atomic Structure - I

Brief introduction of history of structure of atom - Defects of Rutherford’s model and Niels Bohr’s model of an atom - Sommerfeld’s extension of atomic structure - Electronic configuration and quantum numbers - Orbitals-shapes of s, p and d orbitals. - Quantum designation of electron - Pauli’s exclusion principle - Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity - Aufbau principle - Stability of orbitals - Classification of elements based on electronic configuration.

Periodic Classification - I

Brief history of periodic classification - IUPAC periodic table and IUPAC nomenclature of elements with atomic number greater than 100 - Electronic configuration and periodic table - Periodicity of properties Anomalous periodic properties of elements.

Group-1s Block elements

Isotopes of hydrogen - Nature and application - Ortho and para-hydrogen - Heavy water - Hydrogen peroxide - Liquid hydrogen as a fuel - Alkali metals - General characteristics - Chemical properties - Basic nature of oxides and hydroxides - Extraction of lithium and sodium - Properties and uses.

Group - 2s - Block elements

General characteristics - Magnesium - Compounds of alkaline earth metals

p- Block elements

General characteristics of p-block elements - Group-13. Boron Group - Important ores of Boron - Isolation of Born-Properties - Compounds of BoronBorax, Boranes, diboranes, Borazole-preparation. properties - Uses of Boron and its compounds - Carbon group - Group -14 - Allotropes of carbon - Structural difference of graphite and diamond - General physical and chemical properties of oxides, carbides, halides and sulphides of carbon group - Nitrogen - Group-15 - Fixation of nitrogen - natural and industrial - HNO3 -Ostwald process - Uses of nitrogen and its compounds - Oxygen - Group-16 - Importance of molecular oxygen-cell fuel - Difference between nascent oxygen and molecular oxygen - Oxides classification, acidic basic, amphoteric, neutral and peroxide - Ozone preparation, property and structure - Factors affecting ozone layer.

Solid State - I

Classification of solids-amorphous, crystalline - Unit cell - Miller indices - Types of lattices belong to cubic system.

Gaseous State I

Four important measurable properties of gases - Gas laws and ideal gas equation - Calculation of gas constant ‘‘R” - Dalton’s law of partial pressure - Graham’s law of diffusion - Causes for deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour - Vanderwaal’s equation of state - Critical phenomena - Joule-Thomson effect and inversion temperature - Liquefaction of gases - Methods of Liquefaction of gases.

Chemical Bonding

Elementary theories on chemical bonding - Kossel-Lewis approach - Octet rule - Types of bonds - Ionic bond - Lattice energy and calculation of lattice energy using Born-Haber cycle - Properties of electrovalent compounds - Covalent bond - Lewis structure of Covalent bond - Properties of covalent compounds - Fajan’s rules - Polarity of Covalent bonds - VSEPR Model - Covalent bond through valence bond approach - Concept of resonance - Coordinate covalent bond.

Colligative Properties

Concept of colligative properties and its scope - Lowering of vapour pressure - Raoul’s law - Ostwald - Walker method - Depression of freezing point of dilute solution - Beckmann method - Elevation of boiling point of dilute solution - Cotrell’s method - Osmotic pressure - Laws of Osmotic pressure - Berkley-Hartley’s method - Abnormal colligative properties Van’t Hoff factor and degree of dissociation.

Thermodynamics - I

Thermodynamics - Scope - Terminology used in thermodynamics - Thermodynamic properties - nature - Zeroth law of thermodynamics - Internal energy - Enthalpy - Relation between ‘‘H and “E - Mathematical form of First law - Enthalpy of transition - Enthalpy of formation - Enthalpy of combustion - (vii) Enthalpy of neutralisation - Various sources of energy-Non-conventional energy resources.

Chemical Equilibrium - I

Scope of chemical equilibrium - Reversible and irreversible reactions - Nature of chemical equilibrium - Equilibrium in physical process - Equilibrium in chemical process - Law of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant - Homogeneous equilibria - Heterogeneous equilibria.

Chemical Kinetics - I

Scope - Rate of chemical reactions - Rate law and rate determining step - Calculation of reaction rate from the rate law - Order and molecularity of the reactions - Calculation of exponents of a rate law - Classification of rates based on order of the reactions.

Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry

Catenation - Classification of organic compounds - Functional groups - Nomenclature - Isomerism - Types of organic reactions - Fission of bonds - Electrophiles and nucleophiles - Carbonium ion Carbanion - Free radicals - Electron displacement in covalent bond.

Purification of Organic compounds

Characteristics of organic compounds - Crystallisation - Fractional Crystallisation - Sublimation - Distillation - Fractional distillation - Steam distillation - Chromotography.

Detection and Estimation of Elements

Detection of carbon and hydrogen - Detection of Nitrogen - Detection of halogens - Detection of sulphur - Estimation of carbon and hydrogen - Estimation of Nitrogen - Estimation of sulphur - Estimation of halogens.


Classification of Hydrocarbons - IUPAC nomenclature - Sources of alkanes - General methods of preparation of alkanes - Physical properties -Chemical properties - Conformations of alkanes - Alkenes - IUPAC nomenclature of alkenes - General methods of preparation - Physical properties - Chemical properties - Uses - Alkynes - IUPAC Nomenclature of alkynes - General methods of preparation - Physical properties - Chemical properties - Uses.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Aromatic Hydrocarbons - IUPAC nomenclature of aromatic hydrocarbons - Structure of Benzene - Orientation of substituents on the benzene ring - Commercial preparation of benzene - General methods of preparation of Benzene and its homologues - Physical properties - Chemical properties - Uses - Carcinogenic and toxic nature.

Organic Halogen Compounds

Classification of organic hydrogen compounds - IUPAC nomenclature of alkyl halides - General methods of preparation - Properties - Nucleophilic substitution reactions - Elimination reactions - Uses - Aryl halide - General methods of preparation - Properties - Uses - Aralkyl halides - Comparison arylhalides and aralkyl halides - Grignard reagents - Preparation - Synthetic uses.

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11th Standard - old வேதியியல் English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

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