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11th Standard - old பொருளியல் English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

Economic Growth and Development
Poverty and Unemployement
National Income
Economic Planning
Industrial Sector
Foreign Trade
Human Resource Development
Statistical Analysis and Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Variability

11th Standard - old பொருளியல் English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025 Syllabus

Economic Growth and Development

Evolution of economic thought-Economic growth and development-Characteristics of UDCs-Role of government-Stages economics growth.


Human resources and their development-Population as an obstacle to economic development-The definition of population the need for the study of population theories of population-Population dynamics Theory of demographic transition-Basic factors-determining population-The population census-Causes of population explosion Consequences of population explosion-Population policy – National Health Policy 1982, Family planning, causes for the failure of population control policy.

Poverty and Unemployement

Poverty-Poverty line-Poverty and standard of living-Causes of poverty-Poverty alleviation programmes-Full employment and unemployment-Causes of unemployment-The nature of unemployment in India-Sources of date regarding unemployment-Estimates of unemployment-Causes of unemployment in India-The remedial measures

National Income

National income - definitions of national income-The need for the study of national income analysis-Circular flow of income-National income at current prices National income at constant prices-National income series in India – Methods of calculating national income-The problems in calculating national income-Trends in national income and per capita income since independence-Sectoral composition of national income.

Economic Planning

Meaning of planning – need for planning-Characteristics of economic planning-Types of planning-Evolution of planning, objectives - performance.


Importance of agriculture-The causes of low agricultural productivity-Agricultural crops and cropping pattern-Measures adopted to improve agricultural productivity-Marketable surplus-Food problem in India and appreciate the measures undertaken.

Industrial Sector

Need and role of industries in economic development-The pattern of industrial-Large scale industries-Small scale and cottage industries-Various organizations of industrial financing-Industrial policies-Foreign investment, foreign technology, exit policy, privatization and disinvestments-Environmental hazards and Economic measure.


Banks-Banking-Role of banks-Central Banks and Commercial Banks.​​​​​​​

Foreign Trade

Globalisation, liberalization, foreign investment, foreign technology-Trade and economic development-Trends in Foreign trade-Balance of trade and balance of payments – invisible trade, accommodating capital, role of GATT, IMF, IBRD and the like.

Human Resource Development

Human resources development and need for human resources development-Ways and means of developing HRD-Educational development since 1950-51-Health and human development index-Human capital – education as consumption and investment, man-power planning – Theories of human resources development.

Statistical Analysis and Measures of Central Tendency

Meaning and definitions of statistics-Nature of data-Sources of data-Meaning of classification and tabulation of data-Diagrams and graphs-Measures of central tendency Mean Arithmetic mean Weighted arithmetic mean-Median, mode.

Measures of Variability

Measures of variability and other measures-Percentiles and percentile ranks-Index numbers.​​​​​​​

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11th Standard - old பொருளியல் English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

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