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12th Standard Biology English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

Zoology - Reproduction in Organisms
Zoology - Human Reproduction
Zoology - Reproductive Health
Zoology - Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Zoology - Molecular Genetics
Zoology - Evolution
Zoology - Human Health and Diseases
Zoology - Microbes in Human Welfare
Zoology - Applications of Biotechnology
Zoology - Organisms and Populations
Zoology - Biodiversity and its Conservation
Zoology - Environmental Issues
Botany - Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Botany - Classical Genetics
Botany - Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Botany - Principles and Processes of Biotechnology
Botany - Plant Tissue Culture
Botany - Principles of Ecology
Botany - Ecosystem
Botany - Environmental Issues
Botany - Plant Breeding
Botany - Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany
Zoology - Immunology

12th Standard Biology English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025 Syllabus

Botany - Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants

Introduction - Asexual Reproduction - Vegetative Reproduction - Sexual Reproduction - Pre-fertilization structure and events - Fertilization - Post fertilization structure and events - Apomixis - Polyembryony - Parthenocarpy

Botany - Classical Genetics

Introduction - Heredity and Variation - Mendelism - Laws of Mendelian Inheritance - Monohybrid, Dihybrid, Trihybrid cross, Backcross and Testcross - Interaction of Genes-Intragenic and Intergenic Incomplete dominance, Lethal genes, Epistasis - Polygenic inheritance in Wheat kernel colour, Pleiotropy - Pisum sativum - Extrachromosomal inheritance- Cytoplasmic inheritance in Mitochondria and Chloroplast.

Botany - Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

Chromosomal theory of Inheritance - Linkage - Eye color in Drosophila and Seed color in Maize - Crossing over, Recombination and Gene mapping - Multiple alleles - Sex determination in plants - Mutation - types, mutagenic agents and their significance.

Botany - Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Development of Biotechnology - Historical Perspective - Traditional Biotechnology - Advancements in Modern Biotechnology - Tools for Genetic Engineering - Methods of Gene transfer - Screening for Recombiants - Transgenic Plants / Genetically Modifi ed Crops - Applications of Biotechnology.

Botany - Plant Tissue Culture

Milestones in plant tissue culture - Basic concepts in plant disuse culture - Plant tissue culture techniques and types - Plant regeneration pathway - Applications of plant tissue culture - Conservation of plant genetic resources - Intellectual rights of property (IPR), Biosafety and Bioethics - Future Biotechnology

Botany - Principles of Ecology

Ecology - Ecological factors - Ecological adaptations - Dispersal of seeds and fruits

Botany - Ecosystem

Structure of ecosystem - Functions of ecosystem - Plant succession

Botany - Environmental Issues

Greenhouse effect, ozone depletion - Forestry - Deforestation - Afforestation - Alien invasive species - Conservation - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) - Rainwater harvesting - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Geographic Information System

Botany - Plant Breeding

Relationship between human and plants - Domestication of plants - Origin of agriculture - History of agriculture - Organic agriculture - Plant breeding - Conventional plant breeding methods - Modern plant breeding Techniques

Botany - Economically Useful Plants and Entrepreneurial Botany

Food Plants - Spices and Condiments - Fibre - Timber - Latex - Pulp wood - Dye - Cosmetics - Traditional system of medicines - Medicinal plants - Entrepreneurial Botany

Zoology - Reproduction in Organisms

Modes of reproduction - Asexual reproduction - Sexual reproduction

Zoology - Human Reproduction

Human reproductive system - Gametogenesis - Menstrual cycle - Fertilisation and implantation - Maintenance of pregnancy and embryonic development - Parturition and lactation

Zoology - Reproductive Health

Need for reproductive health Problems and strategies - Amniocentesis and its statutory ban - Social impact of sex ratio, female foeticide and infanticide - Population explosion and birth control - Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) - Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) - Infertility - Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) - Detection of foetal disorders during early pregnancy

Zoology - Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Multiple alleles - Human blood groups - Genetic control of Rh factor - Sex determination in human, insects, and birds - Sex-linked inheritance - Karyotyping - Pedigree analysis - Mendelian disorders - Chromosomal abnormalities

Zoology - Molecular Genetics

Gene as the functional unit of inheritance - In search of the genetic material - DNA is the genetic material - Chemistry of nucleic acids - RNA world - Properties of genetic material - Packaging of DNA helix - DNA Replication - Transcription - Genetic code - tRNA – the adapter molecule - Translation - Regulation of Gene expression - Human Genome Project (HGP) - DNA finger printing technique

Zoology - Evolution

Origin of life - Evolution of life forms - Geological time scale - Biological evolution - Evidences for biological evolution - Theories of biological evolution - Mechanism of evolution - Hardy Weinberg principle - Origin and evolution of man

Zoology - Human Health and Diseases

Common diseases in human beings: Infectious and non-infectious - Maintenance of personal and public hygiene - Basic concepts of immunology - Immunodeficency diseases - Autoimmune diseases - Adolescence – Drug and alcohol abuse - Mental health – Depression

Zoology - Microbes in Human Welfare

Microbes in household products - Microbes in industrial products - Microbes in sewage treatment and energy generation - Microbes in the production of biogas - Microbes as bio-control agents and bio-fertilisers - Bioremediation

Zoology - Applications of Biotechnology

Applications in Medicine - Gene therapy - Stem Cell Therapy - Molecular Diagnosis - Transgenic Animals - Biological products and their uses - Animal cloning - Ethical issues

Zoology - Organisms and Population

Organism and its Environment - Habitat - Major Abiotic Components or Factors - Concept of Biome and Distribution - Responses to abiotic factors - Adaptations - Populations - Population attributes - Population age distribution - Growth models / Curves - Population regulation - Population interactions

Zoology - Biodiversity and its Conservation

Biodiversity - Importance of biodiversity – Global and India - Biogeographical regions of India - Threats to biodiversity - Causes of Biodiversity Loss - IUCN - Biodiversity and its conservation

Zoology - Environmental Issues

Pollution - Air Pollution - Water Pollution - Noise Pollution - Agrochemicals - Biomagnification - Eutrophication - Organic Farming and its Implementation - Solid Waste Management - Global Environment Change - Ozone Depletion - Deforestation - Ecosan Toilets - Peoples Participation in Conservation of Forests

Zoology - Immunology

Basic Concepts of Immunology - Innate Immunity - Acquired Immunity - Immune Responses - Lymphoid Organs - Antigens - Antibodies - Antigen - Antibody Interactions - Vaccines - Vaccination and Immunization - Hypersensitivity - Immunodeficiency Diseases - Autoimmune Diseases - Tumour Immunology

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12th Standard Biology English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

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