QB365 covers complete information about Tamilnadu 12th Standard 2024-2025 Computer Applications Subject. Question Bank includes 12th Standard 2024-2025 Computer ApplicationsSubject Book back questions, other important questions, Creative questions, Extra questions, PTA questions, Previous Year asked questions and other key points also. All question with detailed answers are readily available for preparing Computer Applications question papers.
Introduction to Multimedia - Multimedia Definition - Components of Multimedia - File Formats for Multimedia - Multimedia Production - Multimedia on Internet - Applications of Multimedia - Libraries, Information Centers and Archives
Desktop Publishing - Introduction to Adobe PageMaker - Opening PageMaker - Creating a New Document - Entering Text in the Document - Editing Text in the Document - Text Block - Understanding story - Threading text blocks - Placing Text in a Frame - Saving, Closing and Opening Documents - Closing a Document - Opening an Existing Document - Moving Around the Document - Scrolling the Document - Magnifying and reducing with the zoom tool - Formatting a Document - Drawing - Working with pages - Master Pages - Print a document
Introduction to Database Management System - DBMS Database Models - Relational Database Management System - RDBMS Jargons - ER Model - ER-Diagram - Introduction to MYSQL - MySQL - Administration - MYSQL Administration open source software tools - Designing Databases - SQL - Basic SQL
Introduction to Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP) - Various Server-side Programming Languages Global Usage Statistics - Client Server Architecture - Server side scripting language - Web Server Installation & Configuration Files - Web Development Concept
Parameterized Function - Array in PHP
If statement in PHP - If else statement in PHP - If elseif else statement in PHP - Switch Case
For Loop - Foreach Loop - While Loop - Do While Loop
HTML Forms - Basic HTML Form Controls - Files - Form Validation - Files Handling - File Upload
MySQL Function in PHP
Introduction - History of Computer Networking and the Internet - Uses of the Computer Networks
Introduction - Reference Model
Introduction - Overview of DNS - IP Address - Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - DNS Components
Introduction - Types of Network Cables - Ethernet Cabling Components - Types of Jacks - Ethernet Cable Color Coding Techniques
Introduction - Network simulation tool – NS2 - Open NMS
Introduction to E-Commerce - The Evolution of Electronic Commerce - The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce - Classification of E-Commerce Business models - E-Commerce Revenue Models - Comparison between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce - Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce
Introduction to Electronic Payment systems - Classification of Electronic Payment methods - Card Based Payments Systems - Electronic Account Transfer - Electronic Cash Payment Systems - Mobile Banking and Internet Banking - Unified Payments Interface - Cash on delivery
E-Commerce Security - Types of E-Commerce Threats - Dimensions of E-Commerce Security - Security technologies in E-Commerce transaction
Introduction to EDI - EDI Types - Advantages of EDI - EDI Layers - EDI Components - EDI Standards - UN/EDIFACT