12th Standard Biology / உயிரியல் Subject Question Paper Software Subscription

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Other Subjects for Tamil Nadu State Board 12th Standard

12th Standard Biology English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

Human Physiology (Zoology)
Microbiology (Zoology)
Immunology (Zoology)
Modern Genetics (Zoology)
Environmental Science (Zoology)
Applied Biology (Zoology)
Theories of Evolution (Zoology)
Taxonomy of Angiosperms (Botany)
Plant Anatomy (Botany)
Cell Biology and genetics (Botany)
Biotechnology (Botany)
Plant physiology (Botany)
Biology in human welfare (Botany)

12th Standard Biology English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025 Syllabus

Human Physiology (Zoology)

Nutrition : Introduction - Carbohydrates - Proteins - Lipids - Vitamins - Minerals - Water - Balanced diet - Calorie values (ICMR standards) - Obesity - Hyperglycemia - hypoglycemia - Malnutritions. Digestion : Enzymes and enzyme action - Brief account of following - Dental caries - Root canal therapy - Peptic ulcer - Hernia - Appendicitis - Gall bladder stone - Liver cirrhosis - Hepatitis. Bones and Joints (Major types) : Fractures - Dislocations - Arthritis - Rickets and osteomalacia - Orthopaedics - Gout. Muscles : Muscle action - Muscle tone - Rigor mortis - Muscle pull (hernia) - Isometric and aerobic exercises (Body building) - Myasthenia gravis. Respiration : Process of pulmonary respiration - Inspiration - Expiration - Exchange of gases at alveolar level - Control of respiration - Pneumonia - Pleurisy - Tuberculosis - Bronchitis - Breathing exercises Circulation-Functioning of heart-Origin and conduction of heart beat. Artificial pacemaker-Coronary blood vessel and its significance - Myocardial infarction, Angina pectoris-Angiogram, angioplasty and coronary bipass surgery Atherosclerosis-Heart attack-Heart block-ECG and Echo cardiograph - Heart valves Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) - ICCU Arterial and venous systems-Blood pressure-pulse rate-Heart transplantation Resuscitation in Heart attack (First Aid) - Blood components Function - Plasma - Corpuscles - Blood clotting -Anticoagulants-Thrombosis-Embolism-blood related diseases like polycythemia Leukemia -Lymph fluid. Physiological-Co-ordination Systems-Brain-Functioning of different regions -Memory - Sleep - Stroke - Alzhemier

Microbiology (Zoology)

Introduction - History of Medical Microbiology - The influence of Pasteur Koch, and Lister -Virology, Structure, Genetics, Culture and diseases - AIDS and its control - Bacteriology -Structure, Genetics and diseases-Protozoan microbiology - Disease oriented - Pathogenecity of Micro organism - Anti microbial resistance Chemotherapy.

Immunology (Zoology)

Innate (Non-specific) Immunity - Anatomical Barriers - Physiological Barriers - Phagocytic Barriers - Lymphoidal organs - Thymus-Bursa of Fabricius - Peripheral Lymphoid Organs -Lymph nodes - Spleen - Antibodies - Immunoglobulin's - Regions of polypepetide chain - Transplantation immunology - Classification of grafts Genetic basis of organ transplants-Immune system disorder.

Modern genetics (Zoology)

Introduction - Scope - Human Genetics karyotyping Chromosome gene mapping, Recombinant DNA technology and segmenting. Genetic diseases - Human Genome project - Cloning -Transgenic organisms Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)-Genetherapy - Bio informatics application - DNA sequencing and protein structure. Biological database

Environmental Science (Zoology)

Human population and explosion - Issue - Global warming Crisis Green House Effect-Ozone layer depletion Waste management - Biodiversity conservation (Biosphere reserves) Government and Non Governmental organizations involved - Energy crisis and Environmental impact-Poverty and environment-Fresh water crisis and management.

Applied Biology (Zoology)

Livestock and Management-Dairy-Breeds of cattle - Milch breed Draught breed - Dual purpose -Common diseases and control - Exotic and cross breeds Techniques adopted in cattle breeding. Poultry - Farming techniques-Breeds. Farming methods - Poultry diseases - Economic value. Pisciculture - Fish farming - Edible fishes of Tamil Nadu. Medical Lab Techniques-Stethoscope - Sphygmomanometer - Heamocytometer - Urine Sugar analysis - ECG -

Theories of Evolution (Zoology)

Lamarckism - Neolamarckism - Darwinism - Neo Darwinism / Modern concept of natural selection - Species concept - Origin of species and Isolating Mechanisms

Taxonomy of Angiosperms (Botany)

Types of classifications - artificial - natural - phylogenetic. Biosystematics - binomial nomenclature - herbarium and its uses. Bentham and Hooker

Plant anatomy (Botany)

Tissue and tissue systems - anatomy of monocot and dicot roots - anatomy of monocot and dicot stems - anatomy of dicot leaf.

Cell Biology and Genetics (Botany)

Chromosomes - structure and types - genes and genomes - linkage and crossing over - gene mapping - recombination of chromosomes - mutation - chromosomal aberrations - DNA as genetic material - structure of DNA - replication of DNA - structure of RNA and its types.

Biotechnology (Botany)

Recombinant DNA technology - transgenic plants and microbes - plant tissue culture and its application - protoplasmic fusion - single cell protein.

Plant physiology (Botany)

Photosynthesis - significance - site of photosynthesis - photochemical and biosynthetic phases - electron transport system - cyclic and non-cyclic photo phosphorylation - C3 and C4 pathways - photorespiration - factors affecting photosynthesis - mode of nutrition - autotrophic - heterotrophic - saprophytic - parasitic and insectivorous plants - chemosynthesis - respiration - mechanism of glycolysis - Krebs cycle - pentose phosphate pathway - anaerobic respiration - respiratory quotient - compensation point - fermentation. Plant growth - growth regulators - phytohormones - auxins - gibberellins - cytokinins - ethylene and abscisic acid. Photoperiodism and vernalization.

Biology in Human Welfare (Botany)

Food production - breeding experiments - improved varieties and role of biofertilizers. Crop diseases and their control - biopesticides - genetically modified food - biowar - biopiracy - biopatent - sustained agriculture and medicinal plants including microbes. Economic importance - food yielding (rice) - oil yielding (groundnut) - fibre yielding (cotton) and timber yielding (teak) plants.

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12th Standard Biology English Medium Chapters / Lessons 2024-2025

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