
Polytechnic Colleges

H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Institute of Engineering & Technology


Directorate of Technical Education

About College

The ' War Technical School' at the time of Second World War is the present pioneer technical institute in the North Eastern India named as 'His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales Institute of Engineering and Technology '. At the very outset of the institute at 1928 , the curriculum of mechanic certificate was introduced and almost all the outcomes were engaged in the different works of American Soldiers. This institute was established in 1927 with the financial aids of rupees one lakh from a great Assamese timber merchant Late Bholanath Boruah, who had given the money to the British Government in 1922 for establishing a technical school in the name of 'Prince of Wales' at Jorhat. The institute came up fully to impart technical education from 16th January 1928. After introductory motor mechanic course, a four year certificate course in Civil Engineering equivalent to diploma course has been introduced in 1948. From 1957 three year diploma course has been introduced in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department in addition to the Civil Engineering Department. In 1976 & 1978 the curriculum of Automobile Engineering and Agriculture Engineering respectively had been included to the three diploma course. The institute has acquired another milestone with the introduction of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering and Instrumentation Technology curriculum in 1986.

At present about 800 students and 235 nos. of faculties and employees, HRH The POWIET is a complete technical institute. With a huge area of 17 hector divided into two campus-one (main campus) at the juncture of K.B.Road and Gar Ali and the other at Rajabari, the institute imparts technical education in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Instrumentation Technology with the help of some basic science departments like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Humanities, Accountancy & English. Moreover the year old workshop equipped with all possible machineries and modern technical equipments is something of great proudness to the institute. This institute has a wing of community development through polytechnic which impart technical know-how to the unemployed youth who are not getting chance to take formal technical education due to different reasons. The institute has a library with nearly ten thousand books and internet facility in each department in addition to a well furnished computer center. To improve the intellectual skill and scientific mentality if the students, the institute has organizations like Bholanath Sahitya Sabha, ISTE student chapter and IET student chapter. In short this institute has played a major role for nearly more than eighty years in moulding and dedicating no. of efficient technocrats to the nation.                


Central Library,
Language Lab,
Book Shop,
Guest House,


  • B.Sc. Chemistry
  • B.Sc. Mathematics
  • B.Sc. Physics
  • B.Tech. Agricultural Engineering
  • B.Tech. Automobile Engineering
  • B.Tech. Basic Science and Humanities
  • B.Tech. Civil Engineering
  • B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
  • B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
  • B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • B.Tech. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
  • B.Tech. Instrumentation Engineering
  • B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
  • M.Tech. Automobile Engineering
  • M.Tech. Computer Science Engineering
  • M.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • M.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

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