
Polytechnic Colleges

Regional Labour Institute

No. 1, Sardar Patel Road,TTTI Post,Adyar,Taramani

Directorate of Technical Education

About College

Rapid Technological developments and large scale Mechanisation in Petrochemical, Chemical, Engineering Industries, etc., have resulted in complex Safety & Health problems in these Industries. Hence these Industries need the services of qualified safety professionals, exclusively to take care of various Safety and Health aspects of their personnel / other persons who are likely to be affected by  any adverse effects arising from these Industries. Recognizing this need and also to  help the Factory Management in fulfilling the Statutory requirements regarding appointment of Safety Officers under Section 40-B of the Factories Act 1948, this Institute has been conducting the Diploma Course in Industrial Safety, since 1982.

Further the Factory Managements may be aware about the Amendments made in the year 1987 to the provisions of the Factories Act 1948 which places several responsibilities on the Occupiers of Factories, including specific responsibilities on the Occupiers of Factories, carrying out ‘ Hazardous Processes’. These added responsibilities on the Factory Managements have in turn increased the responsibilities of the safety officers, who have to help and assist the Managements in complying with the various provisions of the Act, as amended.

The Diploma in Industrial Safety offered by the Regional Labour Institute is recognized statutory qualification for appointment as Safety Officers as per the Factories Act, 1948. The Diploma will be awarded by the Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai.


Seminar Hall,


PG Diploma
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety

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