
Polytechnic Colleges

Siga Polytechnic College

49, Taylors Road

Directorate of Technical Education

About College

(SIGA Polytechnic College) was established to provide the young people, especially those from the poorer sections of society, a professional and job oriented training in Printing Technology. While striving to meet the demands for qualified technicians   in the printing industry , we try to form the students into citizens who will be conscious of their obligations to the nation and the society and at the same time sensitive to the aspirations and anxieties of their fellow citizens.

The Institute's motto "Virtue, Knowledge and Art" succinctly summarises its Objective. Virtue stands for moral excellence and integrity of character; Knowledge stands for learning, Understanding and competence; and Art Stands for creativity, imagination and an aesthetic sense that adds beauty and elegance to one's work. We believe that these three elements are indispensable for success in one's profession and happiness in life. It is our hope that the young people entering this campus will equip themselves not only with the nitty-gritty of printing but also with a good dose of virtue, knowledge and art and become leaders in their profession and beacons of light in the world of work.


Seminar Hall,


UG Diploma
  • Diploma in Computer Engineering
  • Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering

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