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Acharya Nagarjuna University ( ANU ) Post Graduate common Entrance test ( PGCET ) Entrance Examination

Acharya Nagarjuna, the profounder of the Madhyamika Buddhism is one of the greatest philosophers India has ever produced. The Buddhists of China, Japan and Tibet river him to be the Second Buddha, who once again set in the motion the wheel of Dharma. Acharya Nagarjuna University has conducted the common Entrance test for Post Graduate course. About ANU PGCET – 2015 Entrance Examination complete Details are specified in below .

ANU PGCET 2021 General English

Acharya Nagarjuna University ( ANU ) Post Graduate common Entrance test ( PGCET ) Entrance Examination Counselling Procedure – 2015:

The Order of merit will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test. In case of tie, the tie will be resolved on the basis of Percentage of obtained in the Qualifying Examination, further tie will be resolved based on marks obtained in the Group subjects of the qualifying examination.

Still, tie persists it will be resolved on the basis of date of birth in favour of older candidates.

Selection for Admission shall be based on the Rank obtained in the Entrance Test for courses mentioned in Table-I except M.P.Ed. In case of M.P.Ed. Admission will be made on the basis of the marks obtained in the entrance test and weight age of marks for sports achievements.

Candidates can download their Rank Cards and Schedule of Counseling from the website: www.anudoa.in or www.anu.ac.in/doa. The movement the above material is uploaded to the website; it will be informed to the candidates through SMS / E-mail.

If any candidate fails to report to the allotting authority ( Director, Directorate of Admissions ) when his / her Rank / Name is announced, he / she will be considered for allotment at the end of that Session subject to availability of seats and no explanation for the delay in reporting to the allotting authority will be entertained.

Candidate needs to pay Processing Fee and Prescribed Admissions Fee at the time of counseling in single installment failing which he / she have to forfeit his / her Seat.

A Candidate once allotted to a college can avail transfer of college by paying Rs.300/- for the first time and only one more transfer is allowed by paying Rs.500/- subject to availability of seats and no more transfers are allowed.

A candidate once opted for a course and is allotted will be allowed to change the course already opted subject to availability of seats on payment of Rs.300/- for the first time and on payment of Rs.500/- for the second time and no more change of course is allowed.

For the purpose of reimbursement of fee, the Income certificate is invariably to be issued by M.R.O. If the Original Certificates are not submitted at the time of counseling he / she has to pay total prescribed fee on par with the candidates of other categories and no concession will be allowed by the allotting authority.

The income certificate of the parent / guardian issued by M.R.O. is valid if it is issued within six months from the date of counseling.

The Fee Reimbursement is limited to the extent of Rs.20,000/- only (wide G.O. M.S. 56, S.W. Edn.-2.Dept dated 6.10.2003) and if the fee is over and above Rs.20,000/- the remaining amount has to be paid at the time of counseling failing which he / she has to forfeit the seat.

Candidates who belong to other Universities shall pay Rs. 100/- as recognition fee in addition to tuition fee.

The following Original Certificates along with one set of attested Photostat Copies are to be submitted at the Time of Counseling

1. Hall Ticket of the Entrance Test

2. Rank Card of the Entrance Test

3. Original Degree / Provisional Certificate of the Qualifying Examination

4. Marks memos

5. Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate from the College last studied

6. Study Certificates / Form-I or II or III or IV as given in Annexure - A pertaining to claim of Local Candidate

7. Date of Birth Certificate towards proof of Age

8. Certificate of the Reservation Category, if claiming

(SC / ST / BC-A / BC-B / BC-C / BC-D / BC-E / PH / NCC / SPORTS / CAP)

9. Declaration form

10. Three Pass Port size Photos

For More Details refer the official Website.


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