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Adikavi Nannaya University Common Entrance Test ( ANURCET ) Entrance Examination

Adikavi Nannaya University invites the application for the admission of Master Courses in Arts ,Science ,& Commerce Courses through the Adikavi Nannaya University Common Entrance Test ( ANURCET-2015 ).Admissions into MBA and MCA courses will be made through ICET, B.Ed through Ed CET, M.Tech through PGECET and B. Tech through EAMCET, which are conducted at state level. About  ANURCET - 2015 Entrance Examination Complete Details are shown in Below.

ANURCET 2021 Application Procedure

Adikavi Nannaya University Common Entrance Test ( ANURCET ) Entrance Examination Application Procedure - 2015:

Application Fee :

Application fee Rs 200 must be paid  on Bank Demand Draft only .The Demand Draft should be taken in favour of 'Registrar, Adikavi Nannaya University', payable at Rajahmundry with candidate’s name and course name written on the back side.

Note : If a candidate is applying for more than one course, he / she should Pay separate application fee for each course.

How to Apply:

Online :

Application with information brochure can be downloaded from Adikavi Nannaya University Websites: www.nannayauniversity.info / www.nannayauniversity.edu

By Hand or By Person :

Application may also get by person in the Adikavi Nannaya University counter in the following address .

Directorate of Admissions,

Adikavi Nannaya University,

Rajah Narendra Nagar, Rajahmundry-533296.

Attaching Documents :

Filled-in application and hall ticket in triplicate and the following documents should be enclosed to reach on or before 15th April 2015  

1.A demand draft for Rs 200/- in favour of 'Registrar, Adikavi Nannaya University', payable at Rajahmundry with candidate’s name and course name written on the back side.

2. Xerox Copies of:

a) Provisional certificate of the qualifying degree examination. Otherwise a Xerox copy of hall ticket if the candidate is either appearing for final year degree examination or awaiting for result.

b) Proof of Date of birth ( SSC certificate).

c) Proof of claims of reservations under SC, ST, BC  [ A / B / C / D / E ], PH, NCC, Sports and Children of Armed personnel ( CAP ).

d) Three self-addressed and Rs 5/- stamp-affixed envelopes.

e) A Self- addressed post card for acknowledgement.

Application Sending Address :

Filled-in applications along with all supporting documents should reach on or before 15th April 2015 to the following address.

The Director,

Directorate of Admissions,

Adikavi Nannaya University,

Rajah Narendra Nagar,

Rajahmundry-533296, AP.

For More Details please Visit Official Website :


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