Thapar University ( TU ) Engineering Entrance Examination

Thapar University ( TU ) was established on 8 October 1956 as an Engineering College named Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology. It is a University established in 1985 vides Sec.3 of the UGC Act, 1956.Thapar University offers undergraduate programs BE / B.Tech / LEET in Engineering, Science, Management and Social Sciences. At TU we strive to maintain an environment that encourages scholarly inquiry and research, a spirit of creative independence and a deep commitment to academic excellence. We see our students as unique individuals with different interests and aspirations. The diverse programs and activities aimed at developing quality of mind, ethical standard, social awareness and global perspectives, let the students shape their own TU experience and grow in this Year-2015.

Thapar University 2021 PG syllabus

Thapar University ( TU ) Engineering Entrance Examination PG Syllabus -2015

M.E Programme (Regular)

CAD / CAM engineering / Thermal Engineering / Production Engineering


Solid Mechanics, Machine Design, Theory of Machines, Mechanical Vibrations, Machine Drawing ,CAD ,CAM and Robotics ,Computer Programming


Thermodynamics,SteamEngineering,ICEnginesandGasTurbines,TurboMachines, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery , Refrigeration and Air Conditioning ,Heat and Mass Transfer ,Power Plant Engineering ,Non-conventional Sources of Energy


IndustrialEngineering,Plantlayout,ProductionManagement,WorkStudy,Inspection and Quality Control, Manufacturing Processes/Technologies, Machining Science, Measurement Techniques ,Industrial Automation ,Material Science and Metallurgy. Entrance test exam for admission to M.E(CAD / CAM Engineering ) shall consist of 50 questions from

section-A and 25 questions from section B and C. Entrance test exam for admission to M.E  ( Thermal Engineering ) shall consist of 50 questions from section-B and 25questions from section A and C.

Entrance test exam for admission to M.E ( Production Engineering )shall consist of 50 questions from section - C and 25questions from section A and B.

Structural Engineering

Basic Structural Mechanics:

Bending moment and shear force diagrams .Analysis of pin jointed and rigid plane frames. Influence lines ,Analysis of axially loaded and eccentrically loaded columns.

Concrete Technology : Concept of quality control. Concrete making materials .Properties offers hand hardened concrete .Methods of concrete mix design.

Reinforced Concrete : Limit state design methods for flexure, shear, bond and torsion .Design of basic elements using IS:456-2000.

Design of Steel Structures: Design of tension and compression members .Design of beams and columns ( including bases and foundations ).Welded and riveted joints .Introduction to pre-stressed concrete.

Civil Infrastructure Engineering


Free Body Diagrams, bending moments and shear forces in statically determinate beams, analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures, influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures--basic concepts of matrix methods of structur alanalysis .Basic working stress and limit states design concepts for design of concrete structures subject to flexure ,shear, compression and torsion ( beams, columns  isolated footings).Analysis and design of steel structures intension and compression ,beams and beam-columns, column bases-- connections-simple and eccentric ,beam-column connections ,plastic analysis of beams  and frames.

Geotechnical Engineering: Origin of soils, soil classification, fundamental definitions, relationship and inter-relationships ,permeability and see page ,effectives tress principle: consolidation ,compaction, shear strength .Sub-surface investigation ,earth pressure theories ,foundation design requirements ,bearing capacity ,shallow and deep foundations ,load capacity of piles in sands and clays.

Highway and Transportation Engineering :Highway planning, Geometric design of Highways ,Testing and specifications of paving materials ,Design of flexible and rigid pavements

Water Resources and Hydraulics: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Hydrostatics, applications of Bernoulli equation, laminar and turbulent flow in pipes ,critical flow and graduallyvariedflowinchannels,hydraulicjump,dimensionalanalysisandhydraulic modeling.

Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, rainfall, evaporation infiltration, unit hydrographs, flood estimation, reservoir design, reservoir and channel routing, well  hydraulics .Irrigation: Irrigation methods, Duty, delta, estimation of evapo-transpiration, crop water requirements ,design of lined and unlined canals ,head works ,design of weirs on permeable foundation Gravitydams ,Ogee spillways ,Earth dams.

Electronics & Communication Engineering / Wireless communications

Networks: Network graphs ;,matrices associated with graphs, incidence ,fundamental Cut set and fundamental circuit matrices. Solution methods: nodal and meshanalysis. Networktheorems: superposition, TheveninandNorton’sMaximumPowerTransfer, Wye- DeltaTransformation Steady statesinusoidal analysisusingphasors. Fourierseries. Linear constant coefficient differential and difference equations; time domain analysis of simple RLCcircuits. Laplaceand Z transforms ; frequency domainanalysisofRLCcircuits. Convolution 2  portnetwork parameters driving point and transfer functions .State equations for networks.

Analog Circuits:

Characteristics and equivalent circuits(large andsmallsignal) ofdiodes,BJTs,JFETsand MOSFETsSimplediodecircuits: clipping, clamping,rectifierBiasingandbiasstability oftransistorandFETamplifiers.Amplifiers: singleandmultistage,differential,operational;feedback and power.Analysisof amplifiers;frequencyresponseofamplifiers. Simpleop- ampcircuits. Filters Sinusoidal oscillators: criterianforoscillation;single-transistorandop-amp configurations. Function generatorsandwave-shaping circuitsPowersupplies.DigitalCircuits:Booleanalgebra; minimizationof Booleanfunctions;logicgates,DigitalIC families(DTL,TTL,ECL,MOS, CMOS). Combinationalcircuits; arithmeticcircuits, codeconverters, multiplexersand decoders. Sequential circuits;latchesandflip-flops, countersand shift registers. Comparators,timer,  multivibrators. Sampleand hold circuits, ADCs and DACs. SemiconductormemoriesMicroprocessor:8085/8086; architecture,ALprogramming, memoryand I/O  interfacing.Communication System: Fourier analysis of signals amplitude,phase and powerspectrum,Autocorrelationand cross-correlation and their Fouriertransforms.Signaltransmissionthrough lineartime-invariant(LTI)system, impulse responseandfrequencyresponse,groupdelay andphasedelay.Analogmodulation systems-amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems ,spectral ,analysis of operations, super heterodyne receivers ,elements of hard ware realizations of analog communication systems.Basicsamplingtheorem.Pulse codemodulation(PCM), Differential pulse code modulation(DPCM),deltamodulation(DM).DigitalModulation Scheme:amplitude, phaseandfrequencyshiftkeyingschemes(ASK,PSK,FSK). Multiplexingtimedivision andfrequencydivision, AdditiveGaussiannoise characterizationusing  correlation. Probabilitydensityfunction(PDF),powerspectral density(PSD).Signalto noiseratio(SNR) calculationforamplitude modulation(AM)and frequency(FM)forlownoiseconditions. Electromagnetism:Elementsofvectorcalculus :gradient,divergenceandcurl; Gauss’and Strokes’theorems ,Maxwell’sequations: differential andintegral forms. Wave equation. Pointing vectorPlane waves : propagationthroughvariousmedia; lines:Characteristicsimpedance; impedan ce transfomation,SmithChart, Impedance matching pulse excitation. Waveguides :Modes in rectangular waveguides;Boundaryconditions;Cut-Offfrequencies;Dispersionrelations.Antennas: Dipole antennas;antennaarrays;radiation pattern;reciprocitytheorem;antennagain.

M.Tech Programmes (Regular)

Metallurgical & Materials engineering

Bonding insolids, electronicconfigurations,ionic, covalent,metallicandsecondary bonds. Spacelatticeandunitcells;crystalsystems;indicesforplanesanddirections; effectof radiusratioon coordination;structuresof commonmetallic,semiconducting, polymeric, ceramic,amorphous/ glassymaterials.X-raydiffraction,  Bragg'slaw,useofxraydiffraction for the determinationof simplecrystalstructures; Point, lineandsurface defects;geometry of edge and screw dislocations; Burger'svector;energyof dislocations; Firstand second Fick'slaws of diffusion and theirsolution sunder simple boundaryconditions; Solidsolutions; intermedi atephases andinter metallic compounds; Gibbs'phaserule;unaryandbinaryphasediagrams; iron-iron carbidephasediagram; Phasetransformations;nucleation andgrowth; solid if ication ;crystalgrowthandzone refining; precipitation hardening;recrycstallization and grain growth; martensitic transformations; Elastic behaviour ofmaterial sincluding composite, atomicmodelsof elasticity, rubber-like elasticity; Plastic deformation; slip systems in crystals; critical resolvedshearstress; strengthening mechanisms; ductileand brittle fracture; Griffith's criterion,mechanismsofcreep;fatigue; Polymeric materials; polymerization, crosslinking; glasstransition; composites; Absorption, oxidationand corrosion;Thermal propertiesofmaterials, specificheat, thermalconductivity, thermoelectricity;  Electrical / electronicbehaviourofmaterials;  electricalconductivity ;freeelectronand bandtheoryofsolids; intrinsicandextrinsic semiconductors; p-njunctions; solarcells; superconductivity;typeIand IIsuperconductorsandtheirapplications;Dielectric behaviourofmaterials; polarization phenomena;spontaneouspolarization; dielectric constant and loss; piezo-and Ferro electricity; Magneticbehaviourofmaterials; dia-, para- , ferro and ferrimagnetism; soft and hard magnetic materials and their applications; Opticalproperties ofmaterials;refractiveindex,absorptionandemission oflight;optical fibres,lasers andoptoelectronic materials.

Environmental science & Technology

Interactionsbetweenhumansandenvironment;Thephysicalenvironment-land water, and climate; Resourcesandtheirmanagement-Natural,Technologicaland Human; Concept ofsustainability-Naturalecosystemsandsustainability;Agriculturaland Industrialsystemsfrom theangles of environment protection;EnvironmentalChemistry- Analytical Techniques and instrumentation ;AtmosphericChemistry; BasicMicrobiologynatureandextentofmicrobialworld; growthanden ergetics,Microbiologyofwater andwastewater;MicrobialCorrosion andbiofouling; Quantityof Water-percapita demand, factoraffectingthedemand; Quality ofwater-physical, chemicalsand biologicalcharacteristics,Treatment ofwater-Sedimentation,Coagulation;filtration; Chlorination; absorption;adsorption, andMiscellaneousmethods;Sewageand seweragesystems; Primary andSecondary treatment ofsewage-aerobicand anaerobicprocesses andtheir applications inthe wastewater treatment.

Chemical Engineering

Process Calculations and Thermodynamics: Laws of conservation of mass and energy; degree of freedom analysis, first and second laws of thermodynamics and their applications; phase equilibria; chemical reaction equilibria.

Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations: Fluid statistics, Bernoulli equation, macroscopic friction factors, dimensional analysis, flow through pipeline systems, flow meters pumps and compressors, packed and fluidized beds, size reduction and size separation, free and hindered settings, centrifuges and cyclones; thickening, filtration, mixing and agitation, conveying.

Heat Transfer: conduction, convection, radiation, heat exchangers, evaporators.

Mass Transfer:  Ficks’ law, molecular diffusion in fluids, distillation, absorption, adsorption, drying,

Chemical Reaction Engineering: Kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation of kinetic data, residence time distributions, kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions; diffusion effects in catalysts.

Instrumentation and Process Control: Dynamics of simple systems, controller modes (P, PI and PID).

Plant Design and Economics: Design and sizing of chemical engineering equipment, principles of process economics and cost estimation.

Chemical Technology: Inorganic chemical industries, sulfuric acid, NaOH, fertilizers (Ammonia, Urea, SSP and TSP); organic chemical industries Pulp and Paper, Sugar, Oil and Fats; petroleum refining and petrochemicals, polymerization industries: - polypropylene, PVC and polyester synthetic fibers.

Process modeling and simulation: Equation of continuity, momentum, energy, Models for Reactors, heat exchangers, distillation, Columns,

Computational methods in chemical engineering: PDE, ODE, use of excel sheet, MATLAB,

Differential Equations: First order (Linear and nonlinear), Laplace transforms,

Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non linear algebraic equations, integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule, single and multi-step methods of differential equations

Probability and Statistics: Mean median mode and standard deviation, random variables, Poisson, normal and binominal distributions.

Biochemical Engineering: Enzyme kinetics, Microbial fermentation kinetics, Bioreactors, Transport phenomena in bioprocess systems, Commercial production of bio-products.

Environmental Engineering: Water pollution and treatment techniques, Air pollution and treatment technique

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