IHA 2021 special recruitment examination civil engineering
Uttar Pradesh Public
Service Commission
Combined State
Engineering Service Special Recruitment Examination – 2007 and Combined State
Engineering Service General Recruitment Examination – 2007.
Civil Engineering.
Paper I
Note : Answer any five questions, atleast two
from each part.
- Theory of Structures : principles of superposition; reciprocal theorem,
unsymmetrical bending. Determinate and indeterminate structures, simple
and space frames; degrees of freedom; virtual work; energy theorem;
deflection of trusses; redundant frames, three-moment equation; slope
deflection and moment distribution methods; column analogy; energy methods;
approximate and numerical methods. Moving loads-shearing force and bending
moment diagrams; influence lines for simple and continuous beams. Analysis
of determinate and indeterminate arches. Matrix methods of analysis,
stiffness and flexibility matrice.
- Steel Design : Factors
of safety end load factor; design of tension; compression and flexural
members; built up beams and plate girders, semi-rigid and rigid
connections, design of stanchions, slab and gusseted bases; cranes and
gantry girders; roof trusses; industrial and multistoreyed buildings,
plastic design of frames and portals.
- R.C Design : design
of slabs, simple and continuous beams, columns, footing-single and
combined, raft foundations; elevated water tanks, encased beams and
column, ultinate load design. Methods and systems of prostressing
anchorages, losses in prestress.
Part – B
- Fluid Mechanics : Dynamics
of fluid flow-equations of continuity; energy and momentum. Bernoulli’s
theorem; captation velocity potential and steam function; rotational and
irrotational flow, free and forced vertices; flow net-dimentional analysts
and its application to practical problems. Viscous flow-Flow between
static and moving parellel plates, flow through circular tubes; film
lubrication. Velocity distribution in laminar and turbulent flow boundary
layer, incompressible flow through pipes lamina and turbulent flow
critical velocity; losses stamption and Moody’s diagram. Hydraulic and
energy grade lines; siphons; pipe network. Forces on pipe bends.
Compressible flow-adia-batic and isenthropic flow, subsonic and supersonic
velocity; Machnumber, Shockwave, water Hammer, Surge Tanks.
- Hydraulic Engineering: Open channel flow-uniform and
non-uniform flow, best hydraulic cross-section. Specific energy and
critical depth, gradually varied flow; classification of surface profiles,
control sections; standing wave flume; surges and waves. Hydraulic jump,
Design of canals-unlined channels in alluvium the critical tractive
stress, principles of sediment transport regime theories, lined channel
hydraulic design and cost analysis; drainage behind lining.
Canal Structures : Designs of regulation work; cross drainage and communication
workscross regulators, head regulator, canal falls, aqueduct metering flumes,
etc. canal outlets.
Diversion Headworks : Principles of design of different parts on
impermeable and permeable foundations; Khosla’s theory; energy disscipati
sediment exclusion. Dams-Design of rigid dams, earth dams; forces acting on
dams; stability analysis. Design of spill ways. Wells and Tube-wells.
Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering : Soil
Mechanic Origin and Classification of soils; atterburg limits void ratio;
moisture contents permeability laboratory and field tests, seepage and flow
nets, flow under hydraulic structures uplic and quick sand condition.
Unconfined and direct shear tests; triaxial tests; heat pressure theories,
stability of slopes; theories of soil consolidation; rate of settlement. Total
and effective stress analysis pressure distribution in soils; boussinesque and
westerguard theories. Soil exploration. Foundation Engineering; bearing
capacity of footings; piles and wells; design of retaining walls; sheet piles
and caissons. Principles of design of block foundation for machines.
Paper – II
Note : Answer any five questions, atleast two
from each part.
Part – A
Building Construction : Building materials and constructions
timber, stone, brick, sand, surkhi, mortar, concrete, paints and varnishes,
plastics, etc. Detailing of walls, floors roofs, ceilings, stair cases, doors
and windows.
Finishing of Building : Plastering, pointing, painting, etc. Use
of building codes. Ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and acoustics.
Building estimates and specifications, construction scheduling PERT and CPM
Railways and Highways
Engineering : Railways-permanent
way ballast sleeper; chairs and fastenings; points and crossings different
types of turn outs cross over setting out of points Maintenance of track super
elevation creep of rail ruling gradients; track resistance, tractive effect
curve resistance statior yards station buildings platform sidings : turn
tables. Signals and interlocking; level crossings.
Road and Runways : Classification of roads, planning
geomatric design. Design of flexible and rigid pavements; sub-bases and wearing
surfaces. Traffic engineering and traffic surveys; inter sections road signs;
signals and markings.
Surveying : plane table surveying; equipment &
methods; solution of 3 & 2 point problems. Errors and precautions,
triangulation; crades, baseline and its measurement, satellite station;
intervisibility of stations; errors and least squares; general methods of least
squares estimation with interdisciplinary approach, adjustment of level nets
and trangulation nets. Matrix notation solutions. Layout of curves; simple,
compound, reverse, transition and vertical curves. Project surveys and layout
of civil engineering works such as buildings bridges, tunnels, and hydrelectric
Part – B
Water Resources
Engineering : Hydrology
Hydrologic cycle; precipitation; evaporation-transpiration and infiltration
hydrographs, units hydrograph; flood estimation and frequency, planning for
water resources-ground and surface water resources; surface flows. Single and
multi purpose projects storage capacity, reservoir losses reservoir silting
flood routing. Benefit cost ratio; General principles of optimisations water
requirements for crops-quality of irrigation water consumptive use of water, water
depth and frequency of irrigation; duty of water; irrigation methods and
Distribution System for
Canal Irrigation : Determination of
required channel capacity; channel losses, alignment of main and distributory
channels water logging its causes to control design of drainage system soil
salinity. River training principles and methods. Store work types of dams (
including earth dams ). and the characteristics principles of design, criteria
for stability. Foundation treatment; joints and galleries control of seepages.
Spill ways-Different types and their suitability, energy dissipation. Spillway
crest gates. Sanitation and water supply; sanitation-site and orientation of
buildings; ventilation and damp proof course; house drainage; conservancy and
waterborne system of waste disposal sar.:tary appliances; latrine and urinals.
Engineering : Elementary
principles of ecology and eco-systems and their interaction with environment.
Engineering activity and environmental pollution, environment and its effects
on human heal and activity. Air environment; major pollutants and their adverse
effects, types of air cleaning device, water quality; parameters, adverse
effects, monitor salt purification of streams. Solid wastes; collect systems
and disposal methods, their selection and operation. Typical features of water
distribution systems; demand, available need, network analysis, storage,
Typical Features of
Sewerage Systems : Permissible
velocities, paratial flow in circular sewers, non-circular sections, corrosion,
in sewers, construction and maintenance, sewer upputrenances, pumping of sewage
plumbing; standards & systems. Environmental Management.