Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya ( GKV ) MBA Entrance Examination

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya was founded on March 4, 1902 by Swami Shraddhanandaji with the sole aim to revive the ancient Indian Gurukula System of education, on the bank of Ganges at a distance of about 6 km. from Hardwar and about 200 km. from Delhi. This institution was established with the objective of providing an indigenous alternative to Lord Macaulay’s education policy by imparting education in the areas of vedic literature, Indian philosophy, Indian culture, modern sciences and research.It is a deemed to be university fully funded by UGC / Govt. of India.Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar has invited applications for admission to vacant seats in following MBA Courses of Academic Year 2015-16. For admission to MBA, MBA ( Business Economics ), MBA ( Business Finance ) course Admission Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria , Selection procedure ,complete Details are specified in Below

GKV MBA 2021 Eligibility Criteria

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya ( GKU ) , Haridwar Faculty Of Management Studies ( FMS )  MBA Entrance Examination Eligibility Criteria – 2015

For admission to MBA, MBA ( Business Economics ), MBA( Business Finance ) graduation with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

There shall be a relaxation of 5% marks for SC / ST and GKV graduates in the restriction of minimum marks for all the courses.

This rule will also be applicable to sponsored / NRI sponsored candidates.

Graduates of Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya shall be given 7% extra marks in the merit list of Post Graduate courses.

This rule shall also be applicable for admission to the sponsored seats in various courses of the Vishwavidyalaya.

Candidate must check carefully and ensure that he / she fulfills the minimum eligibility mentioned in the information brochure before submitting the application.

If the candidate's eligibility is found incomplete / incorrect at any stage during admission process and after admission, his / her admission will be cancelled for which he / she will solely be responsible.

Please visit official website for more details

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Entrance 26-Oct-2018

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