ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test ( IBSAT )

ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test popularly known as IBSAT is the entrance examination conducted by the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad. It is the prominent University level exam conducted at postgraduate level. It is organized for admission in the MBA/PGPM programmes offered by various ICFAI business schools. IBSAT is also well-known with the name of ICFAI Aptitude Test. The admission through this entrance examination is provided at IBS Ahmedabad, IBS Bengaluru, IBS Gurgaon, IBS Dehradun, IBS Jaipur, IBS Kolkata, IBS Mumbai, and IBS Pune campuses.

IBSAT 2021 Admit Card

IBSAT Admit Card 2018:
IBSAT 2018 admit card download date has not been announced yet. The exam date has been announced, though.

Candidates who successfully register for the exam will get access to admit cards that will be available on the official website of IBSAT. 

To access the admit card, candidates need to follow the below-mentioned steps: 

  • Visit the official IBS website
  • Click on the ‘Admit Cards’ link
  • The candidate will be redirected to a new window where he/she needs to enter the application number and date of birth in dd/mm/yy format
  • Once the details are entered, a slot booking screen will appear for online booking of exam timings. Here, the candidate needs to select the city and test center along with the date and time. For the same, candidates can choose their preference by selecting either “by Date” or “by Time” option. Candidates must note that once the slot is booked, changes cannot be made in the same
  • Once the booking details are submitted, a verification page will appear on the screen. Verify all the details and click ‘Confirm’
  • The admit card will appear on the screen – take a printout of the same

Once the printout of the admit card is taken, check for the following details:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll number
  • Photograph
  • Date and time as per the slot booked by the candidate

All the above details should be mentioned correctly on the admit card. In case of any discrepancy, the same needs to be reported immediately to the officials. Candidates must make sure that they carry the admit card to the exam center. Failing to do so, will exempt the candidate from appearing in the exam. 

Candidates are also advised to carry any of the following photo ID proof along with the admit card:

  • Driving license
  • Pan card
  • Passport
  • College ID
  • Election/Voter card

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