Tata Memorial Centre ( TMC ) Entrance Exam

The Tata Memorial Centre is a recognized training Centre for cancer education and research by national and international organizations such as WHO, IAEA and UICC. Tata Memorial Hospital is a post-graduate teaching centre and is affiliated to the Homi Bhabha National Institute ( HBNI ) ( Deemed University ) under Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, and National Board of Examinations. Every year about 80 post-graduate students register with the Centre for doing their Master's or Doctorate courses. There are about 450 students undergoing training every year in medical and non-medical and Advanced PG Diploma in technical fields from this centre and Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai Region ( MSBTE ) in long and short term course.

Tata Memorial Centre ( TMC ) has conducted Common Entrance Test for the admission of M.Sc ( Nursing ) and Post Graduate in Fusion Imaging Technology Courses during the academic year 2015-16. Details such as Eligibility Criteria, Selection procedure, Application procedure and contact details are mentioned below.

TMC 2021 PG Nursing - Selection process

Tata Memorial Centre ( TMC ) Common Entrance Test ( CET ) Entrance Examination Selection procedure - 2015

For M.Sc ( Nursing ) course:

Tata Memorial Centre ( TMC ) has conducted Common Entrance Test for the admission of M.Sc ( Nursing ) Courses during the academic year 2015-16.

The candidates will be selected for admission strictly based on the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test, Group discussion and Viva

In case of equal cut-off marks in the CET, ( MCQ & GD ) all the candidates with the same marks shall be shortlisted for the Viva In case of equal marks in the final total the candidate with maximum experience in Oncology will be preferred and in the event of tie again, then maximum CET (MCQ & GD) marks will be considered. Final merit list will be declared & posted on the TMH website.

Viva :

The Viva shall be conducted using a structured format . There will be minimum of five examiners out of which one will be an External Examiner.Candidates will be assessed for knowledge, attitude, skills, commonly practiced protocols, current evidence and recent advances in Nursing.

For PG Diploma in Fusion Imaging Technology:

The candidate will be shortlisted based on the marks obtained in the Entrance Examination and Shortlisted candidates will be called for Personal Interview.

For further details kindly visit this website


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