Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Group 2 A

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) conducts Combined Civil Services Examination-II (Group II A Services). This examination is conducted for the recruitment of Interview & Non Interview posts in various Tamil Nadu State Government departments. Degree in relevant field is the minimum qualification to apply for these posts.

TNPSC Group 2 A 2021 Exam Syllabus

General Science

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Botany
  4. Zoology

Current Events

  1. History
  2. Political Science
  3. Geography
  4. Economics
  5. Science


  1. Earth and Universe?Solar
  2. System?Atmosphere
  3. Hydrosphere
  4. Lithosphere?Monsoon
  5. Rainfall, weather
  6. Climate?Water resources
  7. Rivers in India?Soil
  8. Minerals & natural resources
  9. Natural vegetation
  10. Forest and wildlife
  11. Agricultural pattern
  12. Livestock & fisheries
  13. Social geography
  14. Population density and distribution
  15. Natural calamities
  16. Disaster management

History and Culture of India

  1. South Indian history?Culture and Heritage of Tamil people
  2. The advent of European invasion
  3. Expansion and consolidation of British rule
  4. Effect of British rule on socio?economic factors
  5. Social reforms and religious movements
  6. India since independence
  7. Characteristics of Indian culture
  8. Unity in diversity
  9. Race, color, language, custom India as secular state Organizations for fine arts, dance, drama, music Growth of rationalist, Dravidian movement in TN?Political parties
  10. Populist schemes
  11. Prominent personalities in the various spheres – Arts, Science, literature and Philosophy

Indian Polity

  1. Constitution of India
  2. The preamble to the constitution
  3. Salient features of the constitution
  4. Union, State, and territory
  5. Fundamental rights
  6. Fundamental duties
  7. Human rights
  8. Union legislature
  9. Parliament
  10. State executive
  11. State Legislature, assembly
  12. Status of Jammu & Kashmir
  13. Local government, panchayat raj
  14. Tamil Nadu? Judiciary in India
  15. Rule of law/ Due process of law
  16. Indian federalism
  17. Emergency provisions
  18. Elections
  19. The Election Commission Union and State
  20. Amendments to the constitution
  21. Schedules to the constitution
  22. Administrative reforms & tribunals
  23. Corruption in public life? Anti?corruption measures
  24. Central Vigilance Commission, lok?adalats, Ombudsman, Comptroller and Auditor General of India
  25. Right to information
  26. Central and State Commission
  27. Empowerment of women

Indian Economy

  1. Nature of Indian economy
  2. Five?year plan models
  3. Land reforms & agriculture
  4. Application of science in agriculture
  5. Industrial growth
  6. The role of public sector & disinvestment
  7. Development of infrastructure
  8. National income Rural welfare oriented programmes
  9. Social sector problems
  10. Population, education, health, employment, poverty? HRD
  11. Sustainable economic growth
  12. Economic trends in Tamil Nadu
  13. Energy Different sources and development
  14. Finance Commission
  15. Planning Commission
  16. National Development Council

Aptitude & Mental Ability Test Syllabus

  1. Conversion of information to data collection
  2. Compilation & presentation of data tables/ graphs/ diagrams
  3. Analytical interpretation of data
  4. Simplification
  5. Percentage
  6. HCF & LCM
  7. Ratio & Proportion
  8. Simple & Compound Interest
  9. Time & Work
  10. Area & Volume
  11. Puzzles
  12. Logical Reasoning
  13. Decision making & Problem Solving

General English Syllabus 


  1. Selecting correct sentence
  2. Tense
  3. Voice
  4. Article
  5. Gerund, Infinitive
  6. Synonyms & Antonyms
  7. Comprehension
  8. Error detecting
  9. Blending, Compound words


  1. Figures of Speech
  2. Questions from Poetry
  3. Lines from Poems
  4. Biography of great leaders
  5. British & American English

Authors and their Literary Works

  1. Matching Poems/ Story with Poets/ Authors
  2. Nationality of story/ Poet
  3. Finding Auto-biography
  4. Time period which poet belongs
  5. Characters, Quotes, Important Lines of works of Indian authors
  6. Matching places/ poets, folk arts with country/ state

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