Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Group 4 Services

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) is Announce Employment Notification for Recruitment of Group-IV 2017 Applications are invited only through online mode upto 2017 for admission to the Written Examination for direct recruitment against the vacancies in the following posts in Junior Assistant, Bill Collector, Typist, Field Surveyor and other posts included in Group-IV Services. Minimum educational qualification is 10th and Minimum age limit is 18 years only.

TNPSC Group 4 Services 2021 Exam Syllabus


Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology

                                            UNIT-II CURRENT EVENTS


Political Science




                                          UNIT- III GEOGRAPHY

Earth and Universe-Solar system-Monsoon


Weather & climate -Water resources

Rivers in India

Soil, minerals & natural resources

Forest & wildlife-Agricultural pattern

Transport including surface transport & communication

Social geography

Population-density and distribution

Natural calamities

Disaster Management.


Indus valley civilization-Guptas

Delhi Sultans

Mughals and Marathas

Age of Vijayanagaram and the bahmanis

South Indian history-Culture andHeritage of Tamil people

India since independence-Characteristics of Indian culture

Unity in diversity –race, colour, language, custom-India-as secular state

Growth of rationalist

Dravidian movement in TN-Political parties and populist schemes

                                       UNIT-V Indian Polity

Constitution of India

States and Union Territories

Election Commission

                                    UNIT-VI INDIAN ECONOMY

Nature of Indian economy

Five-year plan models

An assessment-Land reforms & agriculture

Application of science in agriculture

Industrial growth

Rural welfare oriented programmer

Social sector problems

Population, education, health, employment, poverty-Economic trends in Tamil Nadu

                                 UNIT-VII INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT

National renaissance

Emergence of national leaders-Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore

Different modes of agitations

Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle Rajaji



Bharathiar & others

                           UNIT-VIII APTITUDE & MENTAL ABILITY TESTS

Conversion of information to data-Collection

Compilation and presentation of data

Tables, graphs, diagrams

Analytical interpretation of data Simplification


Highest Common Factor (HCF)-Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

Ratio and Proportion

Simple interest-Compound interest


Time and Work

Logical Reasoning-Puzzles-Dice-Visual Reasoning-Alpha numeric Reasoning

Number Series

                                                General English

Match the following words and Phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B

Choose the correct 'Synonyms' for the underlined word from the options given

Choose the correct 'Antonyms' for the underlined word from the options given

Select the correct word (Prefix, Suffix)

Fill in the blanks with suitable Article

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition

Select the correct Question Tag

Select the correct Tense

Select the correct Voice

Fill in the blanks (infinitive, Gerund, participle)

Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence (Subject, Verb, Object)

Change the following:- (Verb into Noun, Noun into Verb, Adjective into Adverb)

Fill in the Blanks with correct 'Homophones'

Find out the Error (Articles, prepositions, Noun Verb Adjective, Adverb)


Select the correct Sentence

Find out the odd Words, (Verb, Noun, Adjective, Adverb)

Select the Correct Plural Forms

Identify the sentence (Simple, Compound, Complex Sentence)

Indentify the correct Degree

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