Assam Police 2021 Constable Recruitment
Assam Police Recruitment of Armed Branch Constables Details- 2015
Applications are invited for the Post of Armed Branch Constables to fill up 6748 posts. The date and venue of physical test and Written Test would be intimated in due course of time by various means and through the Assam Police website Online or paper applications will be received with effect from 26th Dec, 2014.
Name of the Post: Armed Branch Constables
District wise distribution of vacancies:
Dhubri -
Kamrup(M ) -
Goalpara -
Kamrup(R ) -
Morigaon -
Barpeta -
Nagaon -
Nalbari -
Karbi Anglong -
Darrang -
Hamren -
Sonitpur -
Dima Hasao -
Tinsukia -
Dibrugarh -
Golaghat -
Cachar -
Udalguri -
Karimganj -
Dhemaji -
Hailakandi -
Jorhat -
Chirang -
Baksa -
Kokrajhar -
Sivasagar -
Pay Band:
Rs. 5200-20,200/-
Grade pay
Rs. 2200/-per month, plus other allowances as admissible under the rules.
Ten percent ( 10% ) of the vacancies will be reserved for women candidates.
Reservation of the vacancies for the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe ( Plains ) / Scheduled Tribe ( Hills ) / Other Backward Classes / More Other Backward Classes for both men and women will be:
SC - 7%, ST(P) -10%, ST(H) - 5%, OBC and MOBC -27%.
Eligibility Criteria:
In order to appear in the Recruitment Tests Candidates must satisfy the following criteria:
Candidates must be Indian citizens, ordinarily resident of Assam.
Candidates should have age limit from 18 to 25 years as on 1st January of 2014 ( that is, the candidate must be born on or before 01.01.1996 and after 01.01.1989 ).
The date of birth accepted by the SLPRB will be as per Birth Certificate issued by competent authority or date of birth entered in the Matriculation or an equivalent examination certificate issued by a recognized Board.
No other document relating to age such as horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporation, service records and the like will be accepted.
Upper age limit will be relaxed by 5 years in respect of candidates belonging to SC, ST ( P ) and ST ( H ) and 3 years in respect of trained Home Guards who have served for a period of 3 ( three ) years or more.
Educational qualification:
Candidates should have Passed HSLC or Class X from a recognized Board.
Medical Standards:
Candidates must not have knocked knee, flat foot or squint in eyes, and they should possess high colour vision. Varicose vein shall be considered a temporary disqualification.
They must be in good mental and bodily health. They must be free from any physical deformities and free from diseases such as diabetes, hernia, piles, respiratory diseases or any other ailment that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties.
How to Apply:
Applicants will apply online through the Assam Police Website Candidates can also submit paper applications in Standard application form at the office of the Superintendent of Police of the district from which the candidates wish to appear in the Selection Tests.
Online applicants can choose the district mentioned either in the permanent address or in the present address as the district from where the candidate will appear in the Selection Tests.
There is no application fee.
Candidates applying online will get an acknowledgement slip with an ID number which can be printed and will also get the information through SMS and email.
A candidate whose application is found to be in order shall be called for Physical tests.
Candidates will be able to download from the website Admit Card / Call letter with ID number, date & time and venue of the recruitment stages.
Venue wise and the date wise list of candidates ( showing ID nos. only ) will be published in the Assam Police website also.
The information will also be sent by SMS to the mobile number furnished and to the email address. The Test venue of the candidate will be in accordance with the district chosen by the candidate in his / her application.
If a candidate appears in the Tests from more than one venue, or makes an attempt towards that end, his/her candidature will be cancelled forthright for ALL venues.
C) No documents, testimonials / caste certificate etc are to be submitted with the application form. However, when the candidate reports at the venue on the date and time for Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test, he / she must bring all essential documents in original along with one set of attested photocopies of the same.
Any incorrect information or document submitted which is not genuine may disqualify a candidate at any stage and may also render him liable to criminal prosecution. Original documents of a candidate may be put to check at any later stage of the recruitment process also.
D) Incomplete / defective / invalid application will be summarily rejected.
Testimonials / Documents to be submitted when appearing in Tests: The candidates should bring a set of attested photocopies along with the originals of the following documents / materials for verification by the Selection Committee on the date of their Test.
a) Certificate of proof of age.
b) Certificate of HSCL or equivalent examination
c) Mark-sheet of HSLC or equivalent examination
d) Certificate of additional qualifications such as Diploma from ITI or other recognized / accredited institute etc ( if any ).
e) Certificate of sports, games etc. ( if any ).
f) Experience of serving in Home Guards and certificate of NCC ( if any ).
g) Certificate of caste from the competent authority in respect of the candidates belonging to ST ( P ) / ST ( H ) / SC / OBC & MOBC.
h) 2 copies of passport size recent photographs
Selection Procedure:
Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the Physical Standards Tests ( PST ) and Physical Efficiency Tests ( PET ). If any candidate is found to have any physical deformity to be detected by the Medical Officer present in the Selection Board, he / she will be debarred from participating in the other tests.
Marks for PET will be awarded for the PETs in the manner shown below:
Maximum Marks
Qualifying Marks
1600 Meters Race
1200 Meters Race
100 Meters Sprint
80 Meters Sprint
Long Jump
Long Jump
High Jump
High Jump
i. A candidate gets eliminated from the recruitment process as soon as he / she fails to qualify in any PST or PET. A candidate may have to take the PETs in any sequence.
ii. Individual statement of marks signed by the candidate and the examiner conducting the race/ tests will be given to the candidates. This will be given to a candidate when he / she is eliminated from the Test or on completion of all the Tests as the case may be. Marks for extra-curricular activities and special skills will not be announced instantly as this may involve further verification of information.
iii. Video recording with date / time stamp of the PST and PET events for each candidate would be undertaken. Performances will also be announced through PA system.
iv. All Candidates will be subjected to biometric recordings for identification.
v. Results of the PST and PET will be locally displayed at the end of each day of Test. However, candidates shall have no claim or right to appear in the Written Test merely on the ground that they secured the minimum qualifying standards in the PST and PET.
After completion of the PST and PET for all the candidates, District-wise merit lists for each category ( Gen, OBC, MOBC, SC, ST ( P ), ST ( H ) for both men and women ) will be prepared on the basis of the total marks scored on PET.
Candidates will be called for the Written Test in order of merit at the rate of 5 ( five ) times the number of posts allotted in respect of each category. If the total number of qualifying candidates turns out to be less than 5 times the number of posts, all qualifying candidates but no other will be called for the Written Test. If there are candidates scoring the same marks in PET as the last candidate selected for the written test by the 5 times formula in a particular case, the candidates scoring the same marks will also be called for the written examination, and therefore the number may exceed the 5 times to that extent for that particular case and category only.
vi. Written Test will be conducted throughout the State on one day at each district HQ. The date of the written test will be notified later.
Written Test: Written test will consist of 50 multiple choice type questions to be answered on an OMR answer sheet. For each correct answer the candidate will get half a mark. Questions will be of the level of class IX and X. Total marks for the Written Test will be 25.
Extra-curricular activities and special skills: Max marks 15
1. Educational Qualification : Max marks 5
2. NCC / Home Guard / Sports : Max marks 5
3. Diploma / Technical qualification from ITI / Polytechnic or other recognized Institute, or in Computer Application from a recognized / accredited Institute: Max marks 5
Final results would be based on the marks obtained as follows:
a) Marks awarded in PET - Maximum marks 60.
b) Multiple choice objective type Written Test: Maximum marks 25.
c) Extra-curricular activities and special skills: Maximum marks 15.
Total 100 marks.
Detailed scheme for award of marks for PET, Written Test and for Extra-curricular and special skills can be seen in detailed guidelines in the website:
Select List: District-wise select lists against the respective allocated vacancies will be prepared for each category ( SC / ST ( P ) / ST ( H ) / OBC / MOBC ) for both men and Women, based on the total marks obtained by the candidates. The select lists will be published in leading News Papers and through other available media. No waiting list will be prepared.
Important Date:
Start Date of Issue of Application : 26th December, 2014
Last date for receipt of applications : 25th January, 2015.
For more details, refer the following website: