CISF Police 2021 Constable ( Tradesmen ) Recruitment - Details
Central Industrial Security Force ( CISF )Recruitment for the post of Constable ( Tradesmen )Posts Details – 2014
Directorate General, Central Industrial Security Force ( CISF ) has posted employment notification for the recruitment of 985 Constable ( Tradesmen ) vacancies in the trades of Barber, Boot Maker, Cook, Carpenter, Electrician, Motor Pump Attendant, Painter, Sweeper, Washer Man & Water Carrier on temporary basis.
Name of Post: Constable ( Tradesmen )
Total Number of Vacancies: 985
1. Barber: 132 Posts
2. Boot Maker: 31 Posts
3. Cook: 401 Posts
4. Carpenter: 21 Posts
5. Electrician: 02 Posts
6. Motor Pump Attendant: 02 Posts
7. Painter: 03 Posts
8. Sweeper: 191 Posts
9. Washer Man: 173 Posts
10. Water Carrier: 29 Posts
Eligibility Criteria:
i) For direct candidates
Age Limit:
Candidate’s age limit is 18 years to 23 years for direct candidates. Cutoff date for determining age limit is 01-08-2014. The upper age relaxation is 05 years for SC / ST and 03 years for OBC candidates.
Upper age limit of 5 years shall be admissible to all persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J & K.
The person claiming relaxation under this category should produce a certificate to the effect that they had been domiciled in the state of J&K during the period from 1st January’1980 to 31st December’1989 from the District Magistrate within whose jurisdiction they had ordinarily resided or from any other authority designated in this behalf by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir.
Upper age limit up to 05 years is also relaxable to the children and dependents of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots and communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat.
Children means (a) son (including adopted son) or (b) daughter ( including adopted daughter ).
Dependent family member's means (a) spouse or (b) children or (c) brother or sister in the case of unmarried victim who was wholly dependent on that victim at the time of his getting killed in the riots would be eligible to get five years of age relaxation. SC / ST / OBC relaxation as per Government of India instructions will be in addition.
This advertisement pertains to recruitment of CONSTABLE ( TRADESMEN ) ( Male ),therefore, only male children and dependents of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots and communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat will be considered.
In order to be eligible for upper age relaxation in this category, the applicant should produce a certificate to that effect from the concerned District Collector / District Magistrate wherein the victim was killed.
ii) For departmental candidates
Constable / Tradesmen of CISF who wants to change their present trade are eligible to apply for this recruitment. The upper age limit is relaxable ( up to 40 years for General, 45 years for SC / ST and 43 years for OBC ) in case of departmental candidates, provided they should have rendered minimum 03 ( three ) years continuous service in the Force as on 01.08.2014.
Educational Qualification:
The candidate should have passed Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board or university for skilled trades ( i.e. Barber, Boot Maker, Cook, Carpenter, Electrician, Motor Pump Attendant, Painter and Washer Man ). Industrial Training Institute trained personnel will be preferred.
The candidate should have passed Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board or university for unskilled trades ( i.e. Sweeper & Water Carrier ).
Educational certificate other than State Board / Central Board should be accompanied with Government of India notifications declaring that such qualification is equivalent to Matric / 10th class pass for service under Central Government.
Selection Procedure:
The selection procedure for Constable / Tradesman for all type of the candidates i.e. Direct / Ex-servicemen will be as under:-
i) Eligibility Test :
The eligibility criteria i.e. Age, Educational Qualification, Height, Chest etc. for the respective posts will be verified by the Recruitment Board from the original certificates produced by the candidates in accordance with the standards prescribed in the advertisement. Those who do not confirm to the eligibility criteria as advertised should not be considered.
Those found qualified in the eligibility criteria will be put through following PET events. Candidates seeking reservation benefits for SC / ST / OBC / Minorities must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice.
They should also be in possession of certificates in the format prescribed by Government of India in support of their claim at the time of Recruitment.
ii) Physical Efficiency Test ( PET ) :
The candidates found fit in the eligibility, verification will be put through one mile race to be completed in 6 Minutes 30 Seconds. Those who fail in PST / PET will be eliminated and will not be allowed to appear in further tests.
Note: Ex-Servicemen are exempted from Physical Efficiency Test.
iii) Trade Test :
Those qualify in the Physical Efficiency Test will be put through the trade test as prescribed for each
post as under :-
1 Barber
a) Handling of tools
b) Hair Cutting
c) Shaving
2 Boot Makers
a) Polishing of shoes
b) Handling of tools
c) Cutting of leather repair & stitching of Shoes
3 Cook
a) Cooking of Chapati & Rice for 100 men
b) Cooking of vegetable / Dal / Samber / Idli etc for 100 men
c) Cooking of Meat / Fish / Egg / Kheer
4 Carpenter
a) Handling of tools
b) Cutting of wood
c) Fitting, polishing and finishing of material
5 Electrician
a) Knowledge of AC / DC current
b) New Electric Fitting
c) Rectification of Electric fault
6 Motor Pump Attendant
a) Knowledge of Pump
b) Knowledge of Motor
c) Knowledge of repair
7 Painter
a) Knowledge of colours, paints and shades
b) Painting of sign-boards
c) Painting / drawing
8 Sweeper
a) Sweeping
b) Cleaning of toilets
c) Cleaning of Bathrooms etc.
9 Washer Man
a) Washing of clothes
b) Ironing of Khaki Cotton Uniform
c) Ironing of woolen, Teri cotton Uniforms
10 Water Carriers
a) Washing of vessels
b) Kneading of Atta for making chapattis for 100 men
c) Cutting of vegetables etc.
iv) Preparation of merit list:
Separate merit list will be prepared category-wise and post-wise on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in the trade test. In case of tie in marks, the candidate with older age will be higher in the merit list. Further Tie shall be resolved by comparing the height, educational qualification and alphabetical position of the first name in sequence till the tie is resolved. Candidates with more height, higher educational qualification and earlier position of first name in alphabetical order will be placed above.
V) Medical Examination:
After preparation of merit list, the candidates selected in order of merit ( equal to the number of vacancies ) will be put through a Detailed Medical Examination to asses their fitness.Ex-servicemen candidates will undergo Medical Examination at a later date.
Application Procedure:
Application fee:
Candidates need to Pay Rs 50/- in the form of Postal Order drawn in favor of concerned officer & payable at the respective post office mentioned in notification. No Fee for SC / ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates.
How to apply :
Eligible candidates may send their duly filled applications as per Appendix A along with passport size photograph affixed on application, two additional self signed passport size photographs, attested copies of certificates in support of age proof, educational qualification, caste, domicile certificate, experience etc and a self addressed envelope of size 8 x 19 cm with postal stamp of Rs.22/- affixed, enclose in an envelope superscribed with “Application for the post of Const / Barber or Const / Boot Maker or Const / Cook or Const / Carpenter or Const / Electrician or Const / Motor Pump Attendant or Const / Painter or Const / Sweeper or Const / Washermen or Const / Water Carrier” send to the concerned Zonal DIsG ( mentioned in notification ) on or before 16-09-2014 and 23-09-2014 for North East Regions.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 16.09.2014
Last Date for Receipt of Applications for residents of North East Region: 23.09.2014
For More Details refer the official Website: