Delhi Police 2021 Constable (Mounted)-Male Recruitment
Delhi Police
Recruitment for Constable ( Mounted ) - Male 2013
Criteria for the post of Constable (Mounted)-Male
Matric/Higher Secondary/10th of 10+2 pattern from a
recognized Board at the time of filling of application form.
upto 9th pass only for:-
Bandsmen, drivers, despatch riders, etc.
ii) Sons of serving, deceased, retired police
personnel including category ‘D’ employees of Delhi Police.
18 to 24 year as on 01.01.2013 for OBC candidates.
This relaxation is admissible for those castes notified in the Central List and
the List issued by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
(i) Upto the age of 26 years for SC/ST
(ii) Upto 33 years for OBC and 35 years SCs/STs for
departmental candidates.
(iii) Upto 25 years for sons of serving, deceased, retired
police personnel/ Multi Tasking Staff (Formerly group ‘D’ employees) of Delhi
(iv) Ex-Servicemen as per rules.
A “departmental candidate†means bandsmen, buglers,
drivers, dispatch riders, dog handlers etc. & MTS employees enlisted in
Delhi Police with a minimum of three years regular and continuous service.
An “Ex-Serviceman†means a person, who has served in any
rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in Army, Navy or Air Force of the
Indian Union and who retired from such service after earning his pension.
Ex-Servicemen who have already secured employment under
Central Government in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on regular basis after availing
of the benefits of reservation given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment
are NOT eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under
Ex-Servicemen category. However, they are eligible for the age relaxation only.
Height-170 cms, relaxable by 5 cms for residents of hill areas, ST candidates
and sons of serving, deceased, retired police personnel/ Multi- Tasking Staff
(Formerly group ‘D’ employees) of Delhi Police.
(ii) Chest-81-85
cms, relaxable by 5 cms for residents of hill areas, ST candidates and sons of
serving, deceased, retired police personnel/ Multi- Tasking Staff (Formerly
group ‘D’ employees) of Delhi Police.
endurance tests
(i) 1600
metres race in 07 minutes (qualifying).
(ii) Long Jump
-12½ feet in three chances.
(iii) High Jump – 3½
feet in three
endurance tests for departmental & Ex-Serviceman
the age of above 30 & upto 40 years:
(i) 1600
metres race in 08 minutes (qualifying).
(ii) Long Jump –
11½ feet in three chances.
(iii) High Jump – 3¼
feet in three chances.
the age of 40 years and above :
(i) 1600
metres race in 09 minutes (qualifying).
(ii) Long Jump
-10½ feet in three chances.
(iii) High Jump – 03
feet in three
The candidates should be of sound state of health, free
from defect, deformity or disease. Both eyes should have a vision 6/12 (without
glasses) and shall be free from colour blindness. No relaxation is
allowed to any category of candidates on this count.
Scheme for the post of Constable (Mounted)-Male
All candidates, who qualify the PE&MT, shall be put
through written test of 1½ hours duration which will carry 100 marks. The
question paper will be of objective type and will include questions on General
Knowledge/Current Affairs [60 marks] and Knowledge about various
breeds/equestrian sports events, diseases and upkeep of horse (40 marks). The
question paper for written test in General Knowledge/Current Affairs will be
bilingual (Hindi & English).
Riding Ability Test
The candidates, who qualify the written test, shall be put
through a horse riding test of 60 marks. The test includes the following
items:- (i) Approaching a
horse (05 marks), (ii) Saddling and Bridling (10 marks), (iii)
Mount/dismount (05 marks), (iv) Walking (05 marks), (v) Trot with stirrups (05
marks), (vi) Trot without stirrups (05 marks), (vii) Canter with stirrups (05
marks), (viii) Canter without stirrups (10 marks) and (ix) Hurdles (10 marks).
Candidates securing at least 40% marks in the horse riding ability test would
be declared qualified.
The final result will be prepared on the basis of marks
obtained in written test (100 marks) and horse riding ability test (60
marks). Where equal marks have been obtained by candidates their merit
will be fixed as per date of birth. The older candidate will be given
preference and in case the date of birth is also the same, marks in the written
test would decide the merit.
of Filling & Submission of Application Form
Application forms shall be available to the candidates in
the following way: -
Application form shall be available “on-line†on Delhi Police Websites & Candidate can
feed the required data, take the print out and send it to Post Box No 8020, New
Delhi-110033 after completing the required formalities e.g. affixing a recent
photograph, putting his/her signature, attaching the Demand/Bank Draft/Banker's
cheque of Rs. 100/- in the name of the DCP/Recruitment Cell, Delhi.
Application forms can be downloaded from Delhi Police websites & It can be
filled in by the candidates and sent to Post Box Number 8020, New Delhi-110033.
iii) Printed
application forms would also be available in Employment News. Candidates can
cut it out, fill it up and send to Post Box Number 8020, New Delhi-110033.
iv) The
application form printed in the Employment News or downloaded from the Delhi
Police websites &
can be typed/photocopied on A4 size paper. It can be sent to Post Box Number
8020, New Delhi-110033 after filling it up and attaching the Bank Draft of Rs.
100/- in the name of DCP/ Recruitment Cell, Delhi.
Under the Recruitment Scheme, no documents alongwith
application form are required to be sent and the information given by the
candidate will be presumed to be correct. To seek fee exemption of Rs. 100/-,
the SC/ST candidates needs to attach an attested copy of caste certificate and
Ex-Servicemen candidates to attach attested copies of discharge book/N.O.C.
Of Original Certificates/ Documents
All the original documents/certificates pertaining to age,
education, caste, hill areas, NOC/discharge certificate (in case of
Ex-Serviceman), proof to avail age relaxation as a widow/divorced/judicially
separated woman, would be checked at the time of bio-metrics of all the
candidates declared successful in PE&MT. The candidates will also be
required to submit attested photo copies of all the documents/certificates.
Furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in
the application form would be a disqualification for the job.
ii) In the
event of any forgery/cheating of any document(s) i.e. educational certificate,
caste certificate etc., being detected at any stage, besides cancellation of
candidature, a criminal case will also be got registered against the candidate
as per law and the department's decision in this regard shall be final.
Instructions for All the Posts:
Application forms will be rejected if they are :-
a) Incomplete.
b) Without Demand/Bank Draft
/banker's cheque of Rs. 100/-.
c) Received in duplicate.
d) Without attested copy of
caste certificate in case of SC/ST and discharge book/NOC in case of
Ex-Servicemen for fee exemption.
e) Without photograph.
f) Application form not signed
by the candidate.
ii) The
candidates should have required educational qualification/experience for the
post at the time of filling up of application form.
iii) 10% vacancies
are reserved for Ex-servicemen as per GOI's instructions.
iv) Candidates
seeking relaxation in height and chest will have to produce relevant original
documents at the time of physical measurement.
iv-a) The candidates belonging to
Hill areas i.e. Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates
belonging to states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura,
Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh
regions of J&K and claiming relaxation in height and chest would have to
produce a certificate to this effect (Hill area certificate) from the competent
authority i.e. DC/DM/SDM or Tehsildar of their place of residence with the
application form and at the time of Physical Measurement Test.
Candidates belonging to OBC category of area other than Delhi shall have to
produce OBC certificate on the prescribed format required for appointment to
posts under the Govt. of India.
vi) If there is
any variation in the interpretation of words/instructions, the English version
will prevail and the decision of Police Headquarters will be final.
vii) Candidates already
working with Govt. can apply after intimating to their Head of Office/
Department and need not send another copy through proper channel. An undertaking
to this effect may be enclosed with the application form.
They will have to provide N.O.C. from their department at the time of checking
of documents.
viii) If ineligibility of a
candidate is detected at any stage, his/her candidature will be cancelled
without any prior notice.
ix) The candidate
must be sure of his/her height, chest and educational qualification, which
should conform to the minimum standards laid down.
x) Any
change in the schedule already announced would be displayed on the notice board
of the DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi and on
“Notice Board†available on the website
xi) Candidate
should mention his/her Roll No. on the application while making any
correspondence with the DCP/Recruitment Cell. It should be addressed to the
following: DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-110009.
xii) Candidates are
advised to keep with themselves photocopies of application form, admit card and
admission card (at the time of written examination) for ready reference.
xiii) Medium of instruction
in Police Training School is Hindi.
xiv) All the candidates will
be sent Admit card for PE&MT and for other tests by post. The department
will not be responsible for postal delay or non receipt of letters. Admission
Card for the written test will be issued to the successful candidates immediately
after the PE&MT at the ground itself.
xv) No TA/DA will be