Indo Tibetan Border Police 2021 Constable Recruitment
Indo-Tibetian Border Police Force ( ITBPF ) Recruitment for the Post of Constable ( Driver ) Recruitment Details – 2015
Applications are invited from male Indian citizens for filling up following vacancies of General Central Service Group ‘C’ Non Gazetted ( Non Ministerial ) on temporary basis likely to be permanent in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force.
The post has all India liability and selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad. On appointment, the candidate shall be governed by the ITBPF Act and Rules.
Name of Post: Constable ( Driver )
Total Number of vacancy: 472
UR - 149,
SC - 180,
ST - 48,
OBC ( NCL ) – 95
Pay Scale :
Rs. 5200 - 20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 2000/- ( Pay Band - 1)
Eligibility Conditions:
Age Limit: Between 21 to 27 Years
Educational Qualification:
Matriculation or 10th class passes from a recognized board or institution or equivalent.
Having a Valid driving license ( Transport ) for Light or Medium or Heavy vehicles with minimum 2 years experience in driving.
Cut Off Date for Age and Relaxation in Upper Age Limit:
Cutoff date for determining the age will be 16th February, 2015 (16/02/2015).
Candidates should not have been born earlier than 16.02.1988 and not later than 16.02.1994. ( Both dates inclusive ).
Physical Standards:
Height & Chest
Minimum Height in cms
Minimum Chest in cms
For candidates falling in the categories of Garhwali, Kumaonis. Gorkhas, Dogras. Marathas and candidates belonging to the state of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh.. Manipur, Tripura. Mizoram, Meghalaya. Assam. Himachal Pradesh. Kashmir and Leh Ladakh regions of J&K.
165 cms
Candidates hailing from North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh.. Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram. Nagaland. Sikkim and Tripura
162.5 cms
All candidates belonging to the Scheduled -Tribes hailina from the North-Eastern States as above and the Left Wins Extremism affected districts.
160 cms
76-81 cms
All candidate belonging to the Scheduled Tribes other than North-Eastern States and Left Wing Extremism affected districts.
162.5 cms
76-81 cms
All other States and Union Territories ( except category mentioned above )
170 cms
Medical Standards:
Eye Sight
Minimum distant vision should 6/6 and 6/9 of both eyes without correction (i.e. without wearing glasses).
Selection Procedure:
The eligible candidates shall be issued Admit cards to appear in recruitment test.
The date and place of recruitment test will be indicated in Admit card.
The candidates will have to undergo the following recruitment tests:
Phase of
Tests / Events
Phase - I
Height Bar
At the very beginning of recruitment process, candidates will be asked to go through the height bar test.
The candidates not meeting the prescribed height will be
The candidates, who qualify the Height Bar test will be
subjected to 1 mile race within six and half minutes to
Qualify for further tests. No marks will be awarded for this
Test and it will be only qualifying in nature.
Physical Standard Test ( PST )
Candidates who qualify the race will be screened for height, chest and weight measurements by the board. Those who do not meet the required physical measurements will be
Eliminated at this stage.
Candidates who qualify Race and PST will be subjected to
the biometric identification to obviate impersonation by the
Phase - II
Written Test ( OMR Based )
– 50 Marks ( 01 hour )
The candidates who qualify in RACE and PST will be
required to pass the bilingual OMR based written examination
i) Candidates will be required to answer in OMR sheet, which will be signed both by the candidate and invigilator.
ii) Answer key to the question paper will be uploaded on the
website after completion of exam.
iii) Cut off percentage :-
The cut off percentage of marks in written examination will be as under :-
Unreserved / Ex-Servicemen - 35%
SC / ST / OBC ( NCL ) - 33%
Syllabus for
written test
i) GK / Language ( Hindi / English) / Mathematics ( MCQ ) – 10 Marks
ii) Trade related theory ( MCQ ) – 40 Marks
Phase - III
Practical ( Skill ) Test
( 50 Marks )
The candidates who qualify the written test will be put
through a Skill Test. Skill test is divided into following parts:-
i) Initial Driving Test – 15 Marks
(Starting procedure, Marching Procedure, Control on vehicle,
System, Garaging in side, Garaging off side and turn about).
ii) Final Driving Test – 35 Marks
( Starting procedure, Marching Procedure, Change of Gear
drill, Signaling Drill, Turning Drill, Change of lane, Response
on traffic signal, Overtaking, speed control, Letting the
vehicle pass, Slowing of vehicle and Halting drill )
Phase - IV
Verification of Original
Original documents / certificates shall be verified before Detailed Medical Examination.
Original documents will be returned on the spot after verification and self-attested photocopies of certificates will be retained with the application.
It is important that the candidates applying for this recruitment check their eligibility, to avoid
disappointment at later stage.
Candidates shortlisted in order of merit will be put through a
detailed medical examination to assess their fitness as per
Medical policy issued by MHA.
Application Procedure :
Application Fee:
The candidates belonging to General and OBC category should pay the fee of Rs. 50/- (Fifty only) (non-refundable) as application fee by means of “Central Recruitment Fee Stamps ( CRFS )” only.
CRFS stamps are available at the counter of all Post Offices of the country. Recruitment Fee Stamps should be pasted on the application form in the space earmarked for the purpose and got cancelled from the Counter of Post Office of issue with the date stamp of the issuing Post Office in such a manner that the impression or the cancellation stamps partially overflows on the Application Form itself, taking care at the same time that the impression is clear and distinct to facilitate the identification of date and Post Office of issue at any subsequent stage.
Application received with any other mode of fee payment will be summarily rejected.
Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Ex-Servicemen are exempted
from paying fee.
Enclosures Required To Be Attached With Application:-
Copies of following documents be attached with the application form
i) Educational Certificates ( for proof of educational qualification ).
ii) Date of birth Certificate ( Matriculation or 10th Class Certificate or Certificate issued by Board / National Open School / National Institute of Open School as proof of date of birth )
iii) Valid driving license (Transport ) for Light or Medium or Heavy.
iv) Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe Certificate should be issued by an authority not lower than Tehsildar or SDO in the format .
v) Passport or Pan Card or Voter ID or Adhar Card or Domicile Certificate for verification of Indian Citizenship.
vi) OBC ( NCL ) Certificate
vii) Height / Chest relaxation Certificate, if applicable.
viii) Discharge Certificate for Ex-Servicemen.
ix) Two self-addressed envelopes of 4”x9” size with Rs. 5/- postage stamps affixed on each envelope.
x) Candidates already in Govt. service must submit their application through proper
channel with the NOC
xi) Envelope containing Application must be superscribed in bold (CAPITAL) letters “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE (DRIVER) IN ITBP.”
All the above relevant original documents / certificates are required to be brought at the time of Phase – I, Phase – III and Phase – IV of recruitment test.
Important Dates:
The last date of receipt of applications is: 16.02.2015
For all States except for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of HP, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep for which last date is 23.02.2015.
For More Details refer the official website.