Full Portion Five Marks Question Paper

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100
    20 x 5 = 100
  1. Highlight the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles relating to Germany.

  2. Explain the course of the Russian Revolution under the leadership of Lenin.

  3. List out a few criticisms of the peace settlement.

  4. Narrate the history of transformation of Council of Europe into an European Union.

  5. Discuss the Circumstances that led to the Reform movements of 19th Century.

  6. Give an account of Narayana Guru's life and teachings.

  7. Give a detailed account on the basin of the Ganga.

  8. Describe peninsular plateau.

  9. Write the names of biosphere reserves and their location in India.

  10. Automobile and Electronic Industry

  11. Explain in detail about the Acquisition of Citizenship in our country.

  12. Explain the limitations of GDP

  13. Write the negative impact of Globalization

  14. Explain the different modes of transport available in Tamil Nadu.

  15. Trace the reason for the formation of BRICS and write its objectives.

  16. What are the factors affecting the purchasing power and explain them.

  17. Write the structure of GST.

  18. What are the contributions of industrialisation to development?

  19. Write in detail about the types of policies adopted by the Tamil Nadu government to industrialise.


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