Public Exam Model Question Paper 2019 - 2020

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 02:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Part I

    Answer all the questions.

    Choose the most suitable answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code with the corresponding answer.

    14 x 1 = 14
  1. Where did the Ethiopian army defeat the Italian army?




    Orange State





  2. The monarch of Brazil fell in________









  3. When was the Charter of the UN signed?


    June 26, 1942


    June 26, 1945


    January 1, 1942


    January 1, 1945

  4. _______________ had no joint commands with standing forces.






    WARSAW Pact



  5. Whose voice was Rast Goftar?


    Parsi Movement


    Aligarh Movement


    Ramakrishna Mission


    Dravida Mahajana Sabha

  6. The Southern most point of India is






    Indira Point



  7. The monsoon forests are otherwise called as  _______________.


    Tropical evergreen forest


    Deciduous forest


    Mangrove forest


    Mountain forest

  8. Which of the following organization has divided the Indian soils into 8 major groups?


    Indian Council of Agricultural Research


    Indian Meteorological Department


    Soil Survey of India


    Indian Institute of Soil Science

  9. North south corridor is a _________ km long road.









  10. Gross value added at current prices for services sector is estimated at ______ lakh crore in 2018-19.









  11. What was the context in which the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act was passed ?


    Kol Revolt


    Indigo Revolt


    Munda Rebellion


    Deccan Riots

  12. A major hydro-electric power project of Tamil Nadu is









  13. Which of the following country is not the founder member of NAM?









  14. Pumpsets and motors are produced mostly in









  15. Part II

    Answer any 10 questions. Question no. 28 is compulsory.

    10 x 2 = 20
  16. What were the objectives of the League of Nations?

  17. Discuss the importance of Ottawa Economic Summit.

  18. What do you know of Beveridge Report?

  19. How was the Cuban missile crisis defused?

  20. What did Vaikunda Swamigal criticize and how?

  21. What is a wildlife sanctuary?

  22. What is the procedure of Amendment of the constitution?

  23. Write short note: Money Bill.

  24. What is Court of Record?

  25. What is an economic indicator?

  26. Short note: The Dutch in South India.

  27. What was the significance of the Battle of Kalakadu?

  28. Outline the key incidents during the Quit India Movement in Tamil Nadu.

  29. Why is Coimbatore called the Manchester of South India?

  30. Part III

    Answer any 10 questions. Question no. 42 is compulsory.

    10 x 5 = 50
  31. What was the outcome of the Russian Revolution?

  32. Trace the circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany.

  33. Attempt an essay on the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler.

  34. Given an account of the communist Victory over China.

  35. Evaluate the contributions of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda to regenerate Indian society.

  36. Write the importance of Himalayas.

  37. Describe the forests of India.

  38. Write briefly on the Right to Constitutional Remedies.

  39. Explain the limitations of GDP

  40. Examine the origin and growth of Non-Brahmin Movement in Tamil Nadu.

  41. Highlight India and International organisation with special reference to any three India’s global groupings.

  42. Trace the reason for the formation of BRICS and write its objectives.

  43. Mention OPEC missions and how does it help other countries?

  44. Part IV

    Answer all the questions.

    2 x 8 = 16
    1. Imperialism
      a) What do you know of monopoly capitalism?
      b) How did Japan emerge as an imperial power?
      c) Why did the industrial countries need colonies in the nineteenth century?
      d) What were the contrasts capitalism produced?

    2. Iyothee Thassar
      (a) What languages was Iyothee Thassar fluent in?
      (b) What were the movement and magazine started by Iyothee Thassar and John Rathinam called?
      (c) What according to him would liberate the people?
      (d) How did he consider the 'Untouchables'?

    1. Outbreak of World War II.
      (a) When did Britain and France Declare war on Germany.
      (b) Name the' countries in the Axis powers in 1940.
      (c) How were the first years of the war.
      (d) Name the tactic followed by German army to storm other countries.

    2. Fall of Berlin Wall and End of Cold War Era.
      (a) How did West Germany's economy become prosperous?
      (b) Why did people in East Berlin try to move to West Berlin?
      (c) Why did East Germany begin to construct a wall in 1961?
      (d) What was the significance of the Berlin Wall?


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