10th Standard English Medium Science Subject Solutions Book Back 7 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 35
  1. Vinu dissolves 50 g of sugar in 250 ml of hot water, Sarath dissolves 50 g of same sugar in 250 ml of cold water. Who will get faster dissolution of sugar? and Why?

  2. Will the cool drinks give more fizz at top of the hills or at the foot? Explain.

  3. Find the mass of potassium chloride would be needed to form a saturated solution in 60 g of water at 303 K? Given that solubility of the KCl is 37 / 100 g at this temperature.

  4. The Solubility of sodium nitrate at 50°C and 30°C is 114 g and 96 g respectively. Find the amount of salt that will be thrown out when a saturated solution of sodium nitrate containing 50 g of water is cooled from 50°C to 30°C?

  5. A solution is made from 35 ml of Methanol and 65 ml of water. Calculate the volume percentage.


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