10th Standard English Medium Social Science Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. List out a few criticisms of the peace settlement.

  2. Give an account of popular uprisings in Russia.

  3. Explain the structure and composition of the League of Nations

  4. Write a note on the condition of Fascists under Mussolini?

  5. What were the causes for the failure of the League of Nations?

  6. Explain in detail about the Vietnam War.

  7. Write the importance of Himalayas.

  8. Explain about any two factors affecting the climate of India.

  9. Tank irrigation is popular in Peninsular India.

  10. Solar energy and Wind energy

  11. Automobile and Electronic Industry

  12. Briefly explain in Indian paper industry.

  13. Explain in detail about the Acquisition of Citizenship in our country.

  14. Give a detailed account of the classification of the Council of Ministers based on ranks.

  15. Explain the limitations of GDP

  16. List out 10 largest multinational companies in India - 2018.

  17. Write the negative impact of Globalization

  18. Narrate Gillespie's Brutality during the Vellore Revolt.

  19. Write a note on the Swaraj party.

  20. Write an essay on the 'Quit India Movement'.

  21. Write about the department that manage disasters in the State.

  22. Write about leather and Paper Industry.

  23. Write about Special Economic Zone.

  24. What are the foreign policy facing new challenges and modifying policies?

  25. Write about India and China relationship.


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