10th Standard English Subject Prose Empowered Women Navigating The World Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 5

    1 Marks

    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Read the data below and answer the following questions.

    What is the chart about?


    women empowerment


    women power


    women at work


    women at home

  2. Read the data below and answer the following questions.

    Identify the three jobs where the same percentage of women work.





  3. Read the data below and answer the following questions.

    In which field of work is women's involvement the second highest?




    Home maker




    Administration/Human resources

  4. Read the data below and answer the following questions.

    Percentage of women working in finance is the same as ___________.


    Home maker


    Information Technology


    Technical Field


    Administration / Human Resources

  5. Read the data below and answer the following questions.

    What is the difference between the percentage of women working in logistics and Medicine?










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