10th Standard English Subject Prose Empowered Women Navigating The World Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15

    3 Marks

    5 x 3 = 15
  1. burn off keep up build up
    tire out warms up put on
    work out stretch out  

    Riya is a young dancer who feels contented and satisfied with herself. Let's hear from her.
    Hi, everyone! I am Riya. I suppose I’m really lucky because I don’t (1) _________weight easily. I never (2) ________ in the gym and the only time I (3) _______is when I need something from the top shelf. I tried aerobics several times but I couldn’t (4)________ with the others. I take my pet for a walk thrice a day though, and that helps to(5)________ the calories. I usually watch what I eat but I sometimes binge on ice cream.
    My sister Diya, is a real fitness fanatic. Before she works out she(6)________ every day with push ups, sit ups, stretches and a jog around the park. She says it’s important to (7)_______ good levels of strength and stamina. I don’t want to overdo it though. A fitness regime like hers would (8)___________(me).

  2. bring it on find one's voice lend an ear come across on the ball
    get along hang on over the moon work out sharp as a tack
    1 Competent -_____ 1 To meet or find by chance -_________
    2 Become more confident in expressing oneself - _______ 2 To exercise - ________
    3 Extremely happy - _________ 3 To accept a challenge with confidence - _________
    4 Mentally agile - __________ 4 To have a friendly relationship - ________
    5 Listen - ________ 5 To keep something -________
  3. Robert Bruce - King -lying on the ground in a dejected mood - failed to defeat his enemies - was thinking of giving up the attempt - saw a spider falling down from the ceiling - the ceiling far away - wondered how it would get there - the spider fell back again - again it tried - again it fell - it made nine such attempts - no success - climbed up once more - at last succeeded in reaching the roof - Bruce imitated its example - he too tried once again - was successful.

  4. Develop a story with the given pictures and narrate it to your class. Your story must have a plot and
    vivid details.

  5. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in the tense of the verb in each line. Write the wrong word as well as the correct word in the given place. One is done for you.                 

      Incorrect Words Correct Words
    When Anand reach Arun's place, his
    friends have arrived already. Arun
    introduces Anand to them. Arun's brother
    buy some snacks from the market
    Arun serving it to all his friends. Then
    they all sat together to planning their holidays
    Arun have a cottage in Ooty, so
    they all plan to go to Ooty during the holidays
    “Would we have a good time?, asked Arun.
    They all cheerfully say, “Yes!”




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