10th Standard English Subject Prose The Dying Detective Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 5

    1 Marks

    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Where does this story take place?


    in a bakery


    at the police station


    in Ms. Gervis' house


    in Ms. Gervis' apartment

  2. “Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears. Her hands are shaking.” How does Ms. Gervis probably feel?


    She is upset


    She is tired


    She is hungry


    She is confused

  3. What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the windows?


    The windows are locked


    The windows face the police station.


    The windows have not been used in months.


    The windows are too small for a person to fit through.

  4. What else was stolen from the apartment?









  5. ''And the robber definitely did not use the front door:" Which is the best way to rewrite this sentence?


    ''And the robber may not have used the front door:"


    ''And the robber probably did not use the front door:'


    ''And the robber was not able to use the front door:


    ''And the robber certainly did not use the front door:'


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