10th Standard English Subject Prose The Night the Ghost Got in Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    2 Marks

    5 x 2 = 10
  1. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Oh, No! But it happens!

  2. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Don't let out your traveling dates

  3. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Anyway, people will be people.

  4. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Search begins

  5. Title summarises the story. paragraph is a part of the story. Look at the following expressions and find out the paragraph that best suit these expressions.
    Things are not that easy


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