Trigonometry 5 Mark Book Back Question Paper With Answer Key

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    5 Marks

    15 x 5 = 75
  1. Prove that sin2 AcosB + cosAsinB + cos2 AcosB + sinAsin2 B=1

  2. if cos\(\theta \) + sin\(\theta \) =\(\sqrt { 2 } \) cos \(\theta \), then prove that cos\(\theta \) - sin\(\theta \) =\(\sqrt { 2 } \) sin\(\theta \) 

  3. prove that (cosec\(\theta \) - sin\(\theta \)) (sec\(\theta \) - cos\(\theta \)) (tan\(\theta \) + cot\(\theta \)) = 1

  4.  prove that \(\frac { sinA }{ 1+cosA } +\frac { sinA }{ 1-cosA } =2cosecA.\)

  5. if cosec\(\theta \) + cot\(\theta \) = p, then prove that cos\(\theta \) = \(\frac { { p }^{ 2 }-1 }{ { p }^{ 2 }+1 } \)

  6. prove that tan2A - tan2B = \(\frac { si{ n }^{ 2 }A-si{ n }^{ 2 }B }{ co{ s }^{ 2 }Aco{ s }^{ 2 }B } \)

  7. if sin\(\theta \) + cos\(\theta \)  = \(\sqrt { 3 } \),then prove that tan\(\theta \) + cot\(\theta \) = 1

  8. If \(\frac { cos\alpha }{ cos\beta } \) = m and \(\frac { cos\alpha }{ sin\beta } \) = n, then prove that (m+ n2) cos2\(\beta\) = n2

  9. if sin\(\theta \) + cos\(\theta \) = p and sec\(\theta \) = p and sec\(\theta \) + cosec\(\theta \) = q, then prove that q(p- 1) = 2p

  10. if \(\frac { cos\theta }{ 1+sin\theta } =\frac { 1 }{ a } \),then prove that \(\frac { { a }^{ 2 }-1 }{ a^{ 2 }+1 } \) = sin\(\theta \)

  11. Two ships are sailing in the sea on either sides of a lighthouse as observed from the ships are \(30°\) and \(45°\) respectively. if the lighthouse is 200 m high, find the distance between the two ships. \(\left( \sqrt { 3 } =1.732 \right) \)

  12. A kite is flying at a height of 75m above the ground, the string attached to the kite is temporarily tied to a point on the ground. The inclination of the string with the ground is \(60°\).find the length of the string ,assuming that there is no slack in the string.

  13. From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the bottom and top of a tower fixed at the top of a 30m high building are \(45°\)and \(60°\) respectively. find the height of the tower. (\(\sqrt { 3 } =1.732\) )

  14. A tv tower stands vertically on a bank of a canal. the tower is watched from a point on the other bank directly opposite to it. the angel of elevation of the top of the tower is 58°. from another point 20m away from this point on the line joining this  point of the tower, the angel of elevation of the top of the tower is 30°.find the height of the tower and the width of the canal.( tan58°=1.6003)

  15. An Aeroplane sets of from G on bearing of 24° towards H, a point 250 km away, at H it changes  course and heads towards J deviates further by 55° and a distance of 180 km away.
    How far is H to the north of G?,
    \(\left( \begin{matrix} sin24°=0.4067\quad sin11°=0.1908 \\ cos24°=0.9135\quad cos11°=0.9816 \end{matrix} \right) \)


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