Electricity 7 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 105

     7 Marks

    15 x 7 = 105
  1. Following table gives the resistivity of three samples in (Ωm)

    Sample A B C
    Resistivity in Ω-m 1.6 x 10-8 7.5 x 10-7 44 x 10-6

    Which of them is a good conductor? And which of them is an insulation? Explain why?

  2. The electrical resistivity of few materials is given below in ohm-meter.

    Material Resistivity
    (in ohm-metre)
    A 6.84 x 10-8
    B 1.60 x 10-8
    C 2.30 x 1017
    D 1.00 x 10-6
    E 2.50 x 1012
    F 4.40 x 10-8

    Which of these materials can be used for making element of heating device?

  3. Electrical resistivities of some substances at 200 C are given below:

    Silver 1.60 x 10-8Ω- m
    Copper 1.62 x 10-8Ω-m
    Tungsten 5.20 x 10-8Ω - m
    Iron 10.0 x 10-8Ω-m
    Mercury 94.0 x 10-8Ω-m
    Nichrome 10.0 x 10-8Ω-m

    Answer the following question in relation to them:
    (i) Among silver and copper, which one is a better conductor? Why?
    (ii) Which material would you advise to be used in electrical heating devices? Why?

  4. The following table gives the resistivity of three samples:

    Sample: A B C
    Resistivity: 1.6 x 10-8Ωm 5.1 x 10-8Ωm 10.6 x 10-8Ωm

    Which of them is suitable for heating elements of electrical appliances and why?

  5. Two metallic wires A and B are connected in series. Wire A has length l and radius r, while wire B has length 2l and radius 2r. Find the ratio of the total resistance of series combination and the resistance of wire A, if both the wires are of same material.

  6. Two metallic wires A and B of same material are connected in parallel. Wire A has length 1 and radius r and wire B has length 2l and radius 2r. Compute the ratio of the total resistance of parallel combination and the resistance of wire A.

  7. An electrician puts a fuse of rating 5 A in that part of domestic electrical circuit in which an electrical heater of rating 1.5 kW, 220V is operating. What is likely to happen in this case and why? What change, if any needs to be made?

  8. The electric power consumed by a device may be calculated by using either of the two expressions : P = I2 R or P = V2/R. The first expression indicates that the power is directly proportional to R, whereas the second expression indicates inverse proportionally. How can the seemingly different dependence of P on R in these expression be explained?

  9. Three V-I graphs are drawn individually for two resistors and their series combination. Out of A, B, C which one represents the graph for series combination of the other two. Give reason for y or answer.

  10. V-I graphs for the two wires A and B are shown in the figure. If we connect both the wires one by one to the same battery, which of the two will produce more heat per unit time? Give justification for your answer.

  11. The Resistivities of some substances are given below:

    Material Resistivity (Ωm)
    A 1.6 x 10-8
    B 6.4 x 10-8
    C 10 x 10-8
    D 96 x 10-8
    E 100 x 10-6

    Answer the following questions in relation to them given justification for each:
    (i) Which material is best for making connecting cords?
    (ii) Which material do you suggest to be used in heater elements?
    (iii) You have two wires of same length and same thickness. One is made of material A and another of material D. If the resistance of wire made of A is 2Ω, what is the resistance of the other wire?

  12. Tabulate the Symbols of some components of a circuit.

  13. Explain Electrical potential difference.

  14. Explain the Ohm’s Law.

  15. Explain Electrical Resistivity.


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