Transportation in Plants Circulation in Animals English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Part A

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. A patient with blood group O was injured in an accident and has blood loss. Which group of blood should be used by doctor for transfusion?


    O group


    AB group


    A and B group


    All blood group

  2. ‘Heart of Heart’ is called


    SA node


    AV node


    Purkinje fibres


    Bundle of His

  3. Which one of the following shows correct composition of blood?


    Plasma - Blood + Lymphocyte


    Serum - Blood + Fibrinogen


    Lymph - Plasma + RBC + WBC


    Blood - Plasma + RBC + WBC + Platelets

  4. Persons with __________ blood group can receive blood from 'AB' group individuals.


    'A' only


    B only


    AB and O


    A, B, AB and O

  5. The number of______ increases during allergy.









  6. The_______ are also called polymorpho nuclear leucocytes









  7. _______is not a feature of veins.


    Red in colour


    Non-elastic walls


    Lack internal valves


    Blood flow with low pressure

  8. _______is not a feature of osmosis 


    Semi permeable membrane


    Movement of solvent


    Both a and b


    Involves energy

  9. Salt added to pickles brings about__________









  10. Identify the wrong statement


    Guttation occurs through stomata


    Water molecules stick to xylem because of adhesion


    Stoma closes when guard cells are not turgid


    Elements like calcium are not remobilised


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