HIS - The World between two World Wars 2 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30

    2 Marks 

    15 x 2 = 30
  1. Explain the Monroe Doctrine.

  2. Explain the reason for the Smuts–Herzog alliance

  3. Why do historians call breakdown of the International system of exchange at the Great Depression?

  4. What is Gold standard?

  5. Write a short note on Fascism.

  6. Write briefly about Mussolini's pact with Pope.

  7. Write a note on Nazi policy towards Jews.

  8. Name the countries that were accorded Dominion Status prior to 1939.

  9. Why did British miners settle in large numbers in and around Johannesburg?

  10. What is Apartheid?

  11. Write a note on Nelson Mandela.

  12. What are the five republics that split from Central America?

  13. How was President Theodore Roosevelt's attitude to Latin American countries summed up?

  14. Write a note on Good Neighbour Policy.

  15. Explain stock market crash in US.


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