Government and Taxes English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020-2021

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Part A

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. The three levels of governments in India are


    Union, state and local


    Central, state and village


    Union, municipality and panchayat


    None of the above

  2. Which is the role of government and development policies?




    Foreign policy


    Regulate the economy


    all of above

  3. Under which tax one nation, one uniform tax is ensured?


    Value added tax (VAT)


    Income tax


    Goods and service tax


    Sales tax

  4. Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by








    All of the above

  5. The income tax in India is


    Direct and proportional


    Direct and progressive


    Indirect and progressive


    Indirect and proportional

  6. The most important source of revenue to the state is


    Service tax


    Excise duty


    Sales tax


    Central sales tax

  7. In India almost all the direct taxes are collected by the________ governments.








    none of the above

  8. _______is very rarely breached by announcing mid-year tax changes.


    Canon of taxation


    Canon of equity


    Canon of certainty


    Canons of economy

  9. ________has been the major contributor to black money.


    Shortage of goods


    Industrial sector


    Tax structure


    None of the above

  10. _______was the first country to implements GST in 1954.






    European countries


    None of the above


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