Government and Taxes English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Part A

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. In India, taxes are including


    Direct taxes


    Indirect taxes.


    Both (a) and (b)


    None of these

  2. The most common and important tax levied on an individual in India is


    Service tax


    Excise duty


    Income tax


    Central sales tax

  3. Income tax was introduced in india for the first time in the year __________ .









  4. What are identified as causes of black money?


    Shortage of goods


    High tax rate




    All of above

  5. Payments are


    Fees and fines


    Penalties and forfeitures


    None of the above


    a and b

  6. The term sulka refers to


    Direct tax


    Indirect tax


    Export duty


    Customs duty

  7. The revenue of the government depends upon


    direct taxes


    indirect taxes


    Both (a) and (b)


    None of these

  8. From_______ , may economists have given lists of canons of taxation.


    Adam Smith






    None of these

  9. ______tax is levied on the individuals and companies alike.


    Excise duty


    Stamp duty


    Income tax


    Wealth tax

  10. The major indirect taxes in India are________


    customs duty




    both (a) and (b)


    none of the above


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