New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Bio - Zoology - Excretion Model Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60
    6 x 1 = 6
  1. Concentration of urine depends upon which part of the nephron ______.


    Bowman's capsule


    Length of Henle's loop




    Network of capillaries arising from glomerulus

  2. The end product of Ornithine cycle is _____.


    carbon dioxide


    uric acid





  3. Podocytes are the cells present on the ______.


    Outer wall of Bowman's capsule


    Inner wall of Bowman's capsule


    Neck of nephron


    Wall glomerular capillaries

  4. Kidney stones are produced due to deposition of uric acid and ______.






    Calcium carbonate


    Calcium oxalate

  5. Malpighian tubules remove excretory products from _____.








    alimentary canal

  6. The glomerular hydrostatic pressure is estimated to be______________


    60 mm/ Hg


    55 mm / Hg


    110 mm / Hg


    75 mm / Hg

  7. 8 x 2 = 16
  8. Differentiate cortical from medullary nephrons

  9. Which vessels drain filtered blood from the kidneys?

  10. Name the three main hormones that are involved in the regulation of the renal function?

  11. Explain the heart’s role in secreting a hormone that regulates renal function? What hormone is this?

  12. Name any four nitrogenous waste products produced by animals.

  13. What is vasa recta?

  14. Name the processes involved in urine formation.

  15. What is kidney transplantation?

  16. 6 x 3 = 18
  17. Name the three filtration barriers that solutes must come across as they move from plasma to the lumen of Bowman's capsule. What components of the blood are usually excluded by these layers?

  18. In which segment of the nephron most of the re-absorption of substances takes place?

  19. Which part of the autonomic nervous system is involved in micturition process?

  20. Differentiate protonephridia from metanephridia

  21. How is urea formed in the human body?

  22. Differentiate acute and chronic Renal failure.

  23. 4 x 5 = 20
  24. Identify the following structures and explain their significance in renal physiology?
    (a) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
    (b) Podocytes
    (c) Sphincters in the bladder

  25. What is the function of antidiuretic hormone? Where is it produced and what stimuli increases or decreases its secretion?

  26. Explain the structure of nephron.

  27. What is tubular secretion? Name the substances secreted through the renal tubules.


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