New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Important Question paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Read the ALL the Question carefully and answer 
Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100


    Answer ALL the questions 

    12 x 1 = 12
  1. Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the family _____.









  2. Gynoecium with united carpels is termed as ______.








    None of the above

  3. Perianth is present in_______.


    Clitoria ternatea


    Datura metal


    Allium cepa


    Pongamia pinnata

  4. Flowers are zygomorphic in ______.









  5. Duplicate specimen of the holotype collected from same population _____________.









  6. The main function of the cuboidal epithelium is ______.








    Both (b) and (c)

  7. The ciliated epithelium lines the _______.




    Digestive tract


    Gall bladder



  8. Non-shivering thermogenesis in neonates produces heat through _______.


    White fat


    Brown fat


    Yellow fat


    Colourless fat

  9. Transitional epithelium occurs in ____________


    Blood vessels






    Ureter/urinary bladder

  10. Find out the wrong match:


    Eosinophils Allergic response


    Basophils Secrete histamine and serotonin


    Monocytes Secrete heparin


    Lymphocytes Immune response

  11. Enterokinase takes part in the conversion of ______.


    Pepsinogen into pepsin


    Trypsinogen into trypsin


    Protein into polypeptide


    Caseinogen into casein

  12. Which of the following combinations are not matched?

    Column I Column II
    (a) Bilirubin and biliverdin i) Intestinal juice
    Column I Column II
    (b) Hydrolysis of starch ii) Amylases
    Column I Column II
    (c) Digestion of fat iii) Lipases
    Column I Column II
    (d) Salivary gland iv) Parotid
  13. Part-B

    Answer ALL the questions 

    21 x 2 = 42
  14. Mention the types of special inflorescence.

  15. Mention the types of Mixed inflorescence.

  16. Define Involucre.

  17. What is a gynobasic style?

  18. What are the two processes necessary for the development of fruits?

  19. Do seedless fruits have triploid tissue? Why?

  20. Drupes and Nuts show single seed but are different. Justify.

  21. (a) Name the projection seen on the surface of pineapple and Jackfruit.
    (b) In Jack fruit the inflorescence axis produces above the fruit surface.

  22. I am dispersed by ant and I have Caruncle. Who am I?
    Note: Caruncle - Fleshy outgrowth at the base of the seed.

  23. Define Cymule

  24. Define bisexual flower

  25. What is meant by polygamous plant?

  26. What is Inflorescence?

  27. Differentiate between racemose and cymose.

  28. Differentiate between simple raceme and spike.

  29. Explain the different types of placentation with example.

  30. What are earthworm casts?

  31. How do earthworms breathe?

  32. Name the following.
    i. The largest bee in the colony.
    ii. The kind of flight which the new virgin queen takes along with the drones out of the hive.

  33. What does a pace maker do?

  34. What are the advantages of CT over other imaging techniques?

  35. Part-C

    Answer ALL the questions 

    12 x 3 = 36
  36. Define Umbel.

  37. The mode of arrangement of either sepals or petals of a flower in bud condition is called aestivation. Draw the various types of aestivation.

  38. What is the meant by anther dehiscence? Explain the different kinds of anther dehiscence

  39. Draw the line diagram for the following inflorescence.
    (a) Simple Dichasium
    (b) Compound Dichasium

  40. How are cladistic groups classified?

  41. What is the need for cladistics?

  42. What is Karyotaxonomy / Cytotaxonomy?

  43. Differentiate between elastic fibres and elastic connective tissue.

  44. Name any four important functions of epithelial tissue and provide at least one example of a tissue that exemplifies each function.

  45. Head of cockroach is called hypognathous. Why?

  46. How do proteins differ from fats in their energy value and their role in the body?

  47. Digestive secretions are secreted only when needed Discuss.

  48. Part-D

    Answer ALL the questions 

    2 x 5 = 10
  49. Describe different types of anthers in plants.

  50. Write an essay on fleshy fruits and its kind.


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