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Correlation and Regression Analysis Model Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Business Maths

Time : 01:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Example for positive correlation is______.


    Income and expenditure


    Price and demand


    Repayment period and EMI


    Weight and Income

  2. Correlation co-efficient lies between ______.


    0 to ∞


    -1 to +1


    -1 to 0


    -1 to ∞

  3. The correlation coefficient from the following data N = 25, ΣX = 125, ΣY = 100, ΣX2 = 650, ΣY2 = 436, ΣXY = 520 ________.









  4. From the following data, N = 11, ΣX = 117, ΣY = 260, ΣX2 = 1313, ΣY2 = 6580, ΣXY = 2827 the correlation coefficient is ________.









  5. The variable which influences the values or is used for prediction is called________.


    Dependent variable


    Independent variable


    Explained variable



  6. When one regression coefficient is negative, the other would be ________.








    None of them

  7. If regression co-efficient of Y on X is 2, then the regression co-efficient of X on Y is ________.









  8. If two variables moves in decreasing direction then the correlation is ________.






    perfect negative


    no correlation

  9. The term regression was introduced by ________.


    R.A Fisher


    Sir Francis Galton


    Karl Pearson


    Croxton and Cowden

  10. If Cov(x, y) = –16.5, \({ \sigma }_{ x }^{ 2 }=2.89,{ \sigma }_{ y }^{ 2 }\) = 100. Find correlation coefficient ________.









  11. 2 x 2 = 4
  12. From the following data calculate the correlation coefficient Σxy = 120, Σx2 = 90, Σy2 = 640

  13. The following information is given

    Details X(in Rs.) Y(in Rs.)
    Arithmetic Mean 6 8
    Standard Deviation 5 \(\frac{40}{3}\)

    Coefficient of correlation between X and Y is \(\frac{8}{15}\) . Find (i) The regression Coefficient of Y on X (ii) The most likely value of Y when X = Rs.100.

  14. 7 x 3 = 21
  15. Calculate the correlation co-efficient for the following data.

    X 5 10 5 11 12 4 3 2 7 1
    Y 1 6 2 8 5 1 4 6 5 2
  16. The following are the ranks obtained by 10 students in commerce and accountancy are given below.

    Commerce  6   4   3   1   2   7   9   8   10   5 
    Accountancy  4  1  6  7  5  8 10   9   3  2

    To what extent is the knowledge of students in the two subjects related?

  17. The rank of 10 students of same batch in two subjects A and B are given below. Calculate the rank correlation coefficient.

    Rank of A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Rank of B 6 7 5 10 3 9 4 1 8 2
  18. There are two series of index numbers P for price index and S for stock of the commodity. The mean and standard deviation of P are 100 and 8 and of S are 103 and 4 respectively. The correlation coefficient between the two series is 0.4. With these data obtain the regression lines of P on S and S on P.

  19. Calculate the correlation coefficient from the data given below:

    X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14 16 15
  20. The following data pertains to the marks in subjects A and B in a certain examination. Mean marks in A = 39.5, Mean marks in B = 47.5, standard deviation of marks in A = 10.8 and Standard deviation of marks in B = 16.8. coefficient of correlation between marks in A and marks in B is 0.42. Give the estimate of marks in B for candidate who secured 52 marks in A.

  21. X and Y are a pair of correlated variables. Ten observations of their values (X, Y) have the following results. ΣX = 55, ΣXY = 350, ΣX2 = 385, ΣY = 55, Predict the value of Y when the value of X is 6.

  22. 3 x 5 = 15
  23. Find coefficient of correlation for the following:

    Cost(Rs) 14 19 24 21 26 22 15 20 19
    Sales(Rs) 31 36 48 37 50 45 33 41 39
  24. The following are the ranks obtained by 10 students in Statistics and Mathematics.

    Statistics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Mathematics 1 4 2 5 3 9 7 10 6 8

    Find the rank correlation coefficient.

  25. The two regression lines are 3X + 2Y = 26 and 6X + 3Y = 31. Find the correlation coefficient.


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