New ! Chemistry MCQ Practise Tests

Gaseous State Model Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Pressure is _____________


    Force/ area


    force x Area


    Area/ force


    Force / area \(\times\) volume

  2. The standard atmospheric pressure is the pressure that supports a column of mercury exactly ___________ high at 0° C at sea level.




    76 cm


    both a & b


    760 cm

  3. The mathematical expression V\(\infty \) n relates to _____________


    Boyle's law


    Charles law


    Avogadro's hypothesis


    Gay Lusassc's law

  4. Pick the equation that gives you the relationship between molecular mass and density.


    \(M=\frac { dRT }{ P } \)


    PV = nRT


    both (a) & (b)


    neither (a) nor (b)

  5. When the gas behaves ideally, the compression factor Z is ___________


    > 1


    < 1


    = 0


    = 1

  6. 5 x 2 = 10
  7. Why should divers never hold their breath while diving?

  8. Use of hot air balloon in meteorological observation is based on which gas law? Explain.

  9. Give an expression for the diffusion of two gases diffusing at different pressures PA and PB and their molecular weighs.

  10. Define inversion temperature.

  11. What are ideal and real gases? Out of CO2 and NH3 gases, which is expected to show more deviation from the ideal gas behaviour?

  12. 5 x 3 = 15
  13. Explain the term 'Boyle's point.' Mention is significance.

  14. Show how the molar volume of a real and ideal gas are related to each other?

  15. A mixture of gases contains 4.76 mole of Ne, 0.74 mole of Ar and 2.5 mole of Xe. Calculate the partial pressure of gases, if the total pressure is 2 atm. at a fixed temperature. Solve this problem using Dalton's law.

  16. Explain the graphical representation of Avogadro's hypothesis.

  17. What is meant by Boyle temperature (or) Boyle point? How is it related with compression point?

  18. 4 x 5 = 20
  19. Find the pressure of 5 mole CI2 gas filled in a 2 litre vessel at 27 °C temperature.

  20. Vanderwaal's constant for gas are a = 3.67 atm litmo1-2 b = 0.0408 lit mol-1. Find the critical temperature and critical pressure of the gas.

  21. If the weather balloon at a pressure 0.0965 atm. at ground level has a volume of 10.0 m3 What will be the pressure at an altitude of 5300 m where its volume is 20.0 m3?

  22. At what temperature would 4.25 g of oxygen gas O2 exert a pressure of 1.21 atm. in a 2.15 dm3 flask.


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