New ! Chemistry MCQ Practise Tests

Term 2 Question paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Use Blue pen only
Time : 00:50:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 70


    Answer all the questions

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. In which of the following Compounds does the central atom obey the octet rule ?









  2. In the molecule O= C = OB, the formal charge on OA, C and OB are respectively.


    -1, 0, +1


    +1, 0, -1


    -2, 0, +2


    0, 0, 0

  3. Which of the following is electron deficient ?









  4. Which of the following molecule contain no л bond ?









  5. Of the following molecules, which have shape similar to carbondixide?








    All of these

  6. According to VSEPR theory, the repulsion between different parts of electrons obey the order.


    l.p – l.p > b.p – b.p > l.p – b.p


    b.p–b.p> b.p–l.p> l.p–b.p


    l.p–l.p> b.p–l.p > b.p–b.p


    b.p–b.p> l.p–l.p> b.p–l.p

  7. Shape of ClF3 is _____________


    Planar triangular




    'T' Shaped


    none of these

  8. Non- Zero dipole moment is shown by __________









  9. In the hydrocarbo \(\overset { 7 }{ { CH }_{ 3 } } -\overset { 6 }{ { CH }_{ 2 } } -\overset { 5 }{ CH } =\overset { 4 }{ CH } -\overset { 3 }{ { CH }_{ 2 } } -\overset { 2 }{ C } =\overset { 1 }{ CH } \) the state of hybridisation of carbon 1,2,3,4 and 7 are in the following sequence.


    sp, sp, sp3, sp2, sp3


    sp2, sp, sp3, sp2, sp3


    sp, sp, sp2, sp, sp3


    none of these

  10. The general formula for alkadiene is ____________









  11. Part-B

    Answer all the questions

    10 x 2 = 20
  12. Discuss the formation of N2 molecule using MO Theory

  13. What is dipole moment ?

  14. Linear form of carbondioxide molecule has two polar bonds. yet the molecule has Zero dipolement why ?

  15. Draw the Lewis structures for the following species.
    i) NO3
    ii) SO42–
    iii) HNO3
    iv) O3

  16. Give the general formula for the following classes of organic compounds
    Aliphatic monohydric alcohol

  17. Write the molecular formula of the first six members of homologous series of nitro alkanes.

  18. What are electrophiles and nucleophiles ? Give suitable examples for each.

  19. Show the heterolysis of covalent bond by using curved arrow notation and complete the following equations.
    Identify the nucleophile is each case.
    CH3 - Br + KOH →

  20. Explain inductive effect with suitable example.

  21. Write the structures of folowing alkanes.
    1) 2, 3 – Dimethyl – 6 – (2 – methyl propyl) decane
    2) 5 – (2 – Ethyl butyl) – 3, 3 – dimethyldecane
    3) 5 – (1, 2 – Dimethyl propyl) – 2 – methylnonane.

  22. Part-C

    Answer all the questions

    5 x 3 = 15
  23. 0.40 g of an iodo-substituted organic compound gave 0.235 g of AgI by carius method. Calculate the percentage of iodine in the compound. (Ag = 108, I = 127)

  24. 0.24 g of organic compound containing phosphorous gave 0.66 g of Mg2P2O7 by the usual analysis. Calculate the percentage of phosphorous in the compound.

  25. 0.33 g of an organic compound containing phosphorous gave 0.397 g of Mg2P2O7 by the analysis. Calculate the percentage of P in the compound.

  26. A hydrocarbon C3H6 (A) reacts with HBr to form compound (B). Compound (B) reacts with aqueous potassium hydroxide to give (C) of molecular formula C3H6O.what are (A) (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

  27. Two isomers (A) and (B) have the same molecular formula C2H4Cl2. Compound (A) reacts with aqueous KOH gives compound (C) of molecular formula C2H4O. Compound (B) reacts with aqueous KOH gives compound(D) of molecular formula C2H6O2. Identify (A), (B), (C) and (D).

  28. Part-D

    Answer all the questions

    5 x 5 = 25
  29. 0.185 g of an organic compound when treated with Conc. HNO3 and silver nitrate gave 0.320 g of silver bromide. Calculate the % of bromine in the compound. (Ag =108, Br = 80)

  30. Give the IUPAC names of the following compounds.
    (CH3)2CH – CH2 – CH(CH3) – CH(CH3)2

  31. Give the structure for the following compound.
    3- ethyl - 2 methyl -1-pentene

  32. Give IUPAC names for the following compounds
    CH3 – CH = CH – CH = CH – C ≡ C – CH3

  33. Identify the compound A, B, C and D in the following series of reactions


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