New ! Commerce MCQ Practise Tests

Indirect Taxation Model Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 40
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Who is the chairman of the GST council?


    RBI Governor


    Finance Minister


    Prime Minister


    President of India

  2. GST stands for __________


    Goods and Supply Tax


    Government Sales tax


    Goods and Services Tax


    General Sales Tax

  3. What kind of Tax the GST is?


    Direct Tax


    Indirect Tax


    Dependence on the type of goods and services


    All business organisations

  4. What is IGST?


    Integrated Goods and Services Tax


    Indian Goods and Services Tax


    Initial Goods and Services Tax


    All the Above

  5. In India GST became effective from?


    1st April, 2017


    1st January, 2017


    1st July, 2017


    1st March, 2017

  6. 5 x 2 = 10
  7. What do you mean by Indirect tax

  8. What do you mean by Goods and Services Tax?

  9. Write a note on SGST.

  10. What do you mean by UGST?

  11. Write any three demerits of UGST.

  12. 5 x 3 = 15
  13. Write any two differences between direct taxes and indirect taxes.

  14. Briefly explain the functions of GST council?

  15. Explain IGST.

  16. Write any three demerits of GST?

  17. What are all the limitations of GST?

  18. 2 x 5 = 10
  19. Distinguish between direct taxes and indirect taxes. (any 5)

  20. Elucidate the merits of GST.


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