New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Working With Typical Operating System ( Windows & Linux) - Important Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    Part A

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. From the options given below, choose the operations managed by the operating system.






    Disks and I/O devices


    all of the above

  2. Which is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file?


    My Document


    My Pictures


    Documents and Settings


    My Computer

  3. What is the meaning of "Hibernate" in Windows XP/Windows 7?


    Restart the Computer in safe mode


    Restart the Computer in hibernate mode


    Shutdown the Computer terminating all the running applications


    Shutdown the Computer without closing the running applications

  4. Which is the default application for spreadsheets in Ubuntu? This is available in the software launcher?


    Libre Office Writer


    Libre Office Calc


    Libre Office Impress


    Libre Office Spreadsheet

  5. Which is the default browser for Ubuntu?




    Internet Explorer





  6. Where will you select the option to log out suspend, restart, or shut down from the desktop of Ubuntu OS?


    Session Indicator







  7. In which version of windows the mouse was introduced?









  8. Which windows version focused on multitasking?








    windows 7

  9. In which version of windows, DOS gaming disappear?









  10. Which was the last windows based MS-DOS?


    Windows 98


    Windows ME




    Windows XP

  11. Which wild card character used as substitute for zero or more characters in a file name?









  12. Which wildcard character used to substitute for a single character in a file name?









  13. Which of the following windows version display 'This PC' icon?


    Windows 95


    Windows XP


    Windows 7


    None of these

  14. Which of the following is the another way of open a program?


    Start ⟶ Run


    Start ⟶ Program


    Start ⟶ Apps


    Start ⟶ File

  15. The default name of folder created is _____






    Folder new


    New foldrer

  16. Part B

    8 x 2 = 16
  17. What is the use of a file extension?

  18. Differentiate Files and Folders

  19. Differentiate Save and save As option.

  20. What is the advantage of open source?

  21. Mention the different server distributions in Linux OS.

  22. How will you log off from Ubuntu OS?

  23. In what way Ubuntu and other OS are similar?

  24. Name any four icons in the Ubuntu OS desktop?

  25. Part C

    3 x 3 = 9
  26. If you are working on multiple files at a time, sometimes the system may hang. What is the reason behind it? How can you reduce it?

  27. List out the major differences between Windows and Ubuntu OS.

  28. Differentiate Thunderbird and Firefox in Ubuntu OS.

  29. Part D

    2 x 5 = 10
  30. Explain the different types of icons of windows desktop

  31. Explain the different ways of finding a file or Folder.


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