New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

HTML - Adding multimedia elements and Forms Three Marks Questions

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    10 x 3 = 30
  1. Explain the main attributes used with < form > tag.

  2. What is the use of align attribute of < img > tag? Explain its values.

  3. Write a note on following attribute of < Marquee > tag?
    (i) Scroll delay
    (ii) Scroll amount
    (iii) loop

  4. What is the use of form in HTML?

  5. Write a note on method attribute of < form > tag.

  6. Explain the use of < select > tag.

  7. Answer the following: True or false.
    (i) < Text area > tag used to receive multiline text data as input
    (ii) < Input > tag is a container tag
    (iii) user can select more than one option using radio button control

  8. Explain any 2 use of the < Marquee > tag.

  9. How will you insert an image in a HTML document?

  10. How will you insert video and sound in a webpage?


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