New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Full Portion Five Marks Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100
    20 x 5 = 100
  1. Discuss the various generations of computers.

  2. Subtract 11010112 - 1110102

  3. Convert the following Decimal numbers to its equivalent Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal. - 1920

  4. Explain the characteristics of a microprocessor.

  5. Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.

  6. Explain the methods followed while copying files and folders to removable disk.

  7. Write the specification of an algorithm hypotenuse whose inputs are the lengths of the two shorter sides of a right angled triangle, and the output is the length of the third side.

  8. Trace the step-by-step execution of the algorithm for factorial(4).
    --inputs: n is an integer, n > 0
    -- outputs: f = n!
    f, i := 1 ,1
    while i < nf
    , i := f × i, i+1

  9. Explain increment and decrement operator with an example.

  10. Write a C++ program to find C.S.A of a cylinder (CSA = \(2\pi rh\)).

  11. What is Recursion? Write a program to find the factorial of the given number using recursion.

  12. Write a c++ program to declare and accept an array of professors. Display the details of the department = ”COMP.SCI” and the name of the professors start with ‘A’. The structure “college” should contain the following members.
    prof_id as integer
    name and Department as character array

  13. What are the advanatges of OOPs?

  14. Explain nested class with example.

  15. Explain how the objects can be passed in pass by value method.

  16. What is containership write a C++ program to illustrate the containership

  17. Answer the questions (i) to (iv) on the following
    class Dolls
    char DCode[5];
    protected :
    float Price;
    void CalcPrice (float);
    Dolls ();
    void DInput ( ) ;
    void DShow ( ); .
    class SoftDolls : public Dolls
    char SDName[20];
    float Weight;
    SoftDolls ( ) ;
    void SDInput ( ) ;
    void SDShow ( ) ;
    class ElectronicDolls : public Dolls
    char EDName [20];
    char BatteryType[10];
    int Batteries ;
    public: .
    Electronic Dolls ( );
    void EDInput ( ) ;
    void EDShow ( ) ;
    (i) Which type of Inheritance is shown in the above example?
    (ii) How many bytes will be rreqiured by an object of the class ElectronicDolls?
    (iii) Write name of all the data memebrs accessible from member functions of the class softDolls.
    (iv) Write name of all the member functions accessible by· an object of the class ElectronicDolls.

  18. Suppose we have following C ++ program:
    #include < iostream.h >
    class A
    { public:
    A() {cout<<"A";}
    ~A() {cout<<"~A";}
    { public:
    B () {cout<< "B";}
    ~B () { cout<< "~B"}
    class C
    { public:
    C() {cout << "C";}
    ~c () {cout <<~"C";}
    private :
    { public:
    D() {cout<<"D";}
    ~D() {cout<<"~D";}
    Class E : Public C
    { public;
    E() {cout<< "E";}
    ~E () {cout-c "~E";}
    Dd; Bb;
    } Ee;
    cout << endl;
    Assuming that the program complies and runs correctly, what does it print out?

  19. Explain this pointer.

  20. Explain the function of digital signature.


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