New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Term 1 Five Mark Model Questions

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    10 x 5 = 50
  1. Discuss the various generations of computers.

  2. Convert (98.46)10 to Bianary.

  3. Subtract 11010112 - 1110102

  4. How the read and write operations are performed by a processor? Explain.

  5. Explain the types of ROM.

  6. List out the points to be noted while creating a user interface for an Operating system.

  7. Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.

  8. Exchange the contents: Given two glasses marked A and B. Glass A is full of apple drink and glass B is full of grape drink. For exchanging the contents of glasses A and B, represent the state by suitable variables, and write the specification of the algorithm.

  9. Trace the step-by-step execution of the algorithm for factorial(4).
    --inputs: n is an integer, n > 0
    -- outputs: f = n!
    f, i := 1 ,1
    while i < nf
    , i := f × i, i+1

  10. Power can also be defined recursively as
    \(a^n= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } \mathrm{n}=0 \\ \mathrm{a} \times \mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{n}-1} & \text { if } \mathrm{n} \text { is odd } \\ \mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{n} / 2} \times \mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{n} / 2} & \text { if } \mathrm{n} \text { is even }\end{cases}\) 
    Construct a recursive algorithm using this definition. How many multiplications are needed to calculate a10?


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