New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

+1 First Revision Test Model

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 70

    I. Choose best suitable answer with option code:

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Which one of the following is used to in ATM machines


    Touch Screen







  2. The binary equivalent of a hexadecimal digit C is repressed by.....









  3. What is the capacity of 12cm diameter DVD with single sided and single layer?


    4.7 GB


    5.5 GB


    7.8 GB


    2.2 GB

  4. Which is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file?


    My Document


    My Pictures


    Documents and Settings


    My Computer

  5. How many type of line spacing option are there in Openoffice writer?









  6. By default in which side the numbers are aligned in worksheet?









  7. In Impress, which views shows thumbnail versions of all your slides arranged in horizontal rows.








    Slide Sorter

  8. HTML is acronym for


    Hyper Transfer Markup Language


    Hyper Text Markup Language


    Hyper Transfer Makeup Language


    Hyper Text Makeup Language

  9. A list block can be defined inside another list is:


    Inner List


    Nested List


    Outer List


    Listing List

  10. Which of the following attribute of < bgsound > tag defines the duration of play?









  11. What is the property to set text as bold?









  12. Which of the following is used to insert remarks in JavaScript source code?


    dialog box







  13. _________ statement can be used as alterative to if-else statement.









  14. The punctuator used to identify the function is _______.


    { }


    < >


    ( )


    [ ]

  15. The first version of Unicode is_________.









  16. II. Answer any Six questions. Q. No 24 is compulsory:

    6 x 2 = 12
  17. Write the functions of control unit.

  18. Arrange the following memories according to slower access time.
    a. Hard disk
    b. cache
    c. main memory
    d. Blu - ray

  19. List out any two uses of Operating System?

  20. What is Wrap through?

  21. What are the options available in "Insert Cells" dialog box?

  22. How will you start open office impress.

  23. What are the components of URL addressing?

  24. What is thematic break?

  25. What is Inline Style?

  26. What is meant by Ransomware?

  27. III. Answer any Six questions. Q. No 33 is compulsory:

    6 x 3 =18
  28. Write the three common ways of representing a signed binary number?

  29. How will you differentiate a flash memory and an EEPROM?

  30. Identify the type of OS for the following statement.
    (a) It is a family of open-source OS.
    (b) It is a family of proprietary OS.
    (c) It is a family of multitasking and Multi user OS.
    (d) It is a windows alternative open source OS.
    (e) Most common in tablets, phones.
    (f) Concept of having more than one OS in a single PC.

  31. How will you delete a word in Autocorrect list?

  32. Write a note on conditional formatting.

  33. Who uses the presentation software and why

  34. How do you view the source file?

  35. Write a note on following attribute of < Marquee > tag?
    (i) Scroll delay
    (ii) Scroll amount
    (iii) loop

  36. What are the advantages of programming language?

  37. What is if statement and write its types?

  38. IV. Answer all in detail:

    5 x 5 = 25
    1. Explain the basic components of a computer with a neat diagram.

    2. Explain RAM in detail.

    1. Explain the classification of Opensource OS

    2. Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.

    1. Explain the parts of OpenOffice Calc Status bar.

    2. Valarmathi's teacher asks her to create a presentation in Open Office Impress. As Valarmathi has never worked in Impress before, help her to perform the following tasks:
      a. She wants that except for the first slide, all the slides should have the same design. For this, what does she need to do?  
      b. To easily communicate with her audience, she wants to provide them with a hard copy of the slides of the presentation. What should she create for it?
      c. She wants to insert some pictures and movie files in some slides. How can she do that?
      d. Suggest her the view that would be the most suitable for showing the presentation to the audience.
      e. To make her presentation more attractive, she wants to add some effects in it. How can she do it? Suggest.

    1. Classify and explain any five e-commerce parties with suitable examples.

    2. Explain scrolling text using < Marquee >.

    1. Explain about the popup dialog boxes in JavaScript.

    2. Write a Javascript to display the given number is words using switch-case (Number between only 1 and 5)


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