New ! History MCQ Practise Tests

Advent of Arabs and Turks Three and Five Marks Questions

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 40
    5 x 3 = 15
  1. Describe the immediate cause for the military expeditions of Muhammad-bin-Qasim?

  2. What were the reasons for the military raids of Mahmud of Ghazni in India?

  3. Why was Razia Sultana thrown out of power?

  4. Write briefly about the south Indian campaigns of Malik Kafur.

  5. What were the causes for the failure of the experiments of Muhammad Tughlaq?

  6. 5 x 5 = 25
  7. Mahmud Ghazni’s plundering raids were more of political and economic character than of religious chauvinism. Elaborate

  8. How did the Second Battle of Tarain prove to be a turning point in Indian History?

  9. Discuss the economic reforms of Ala-ud-din Khalji.

  10. Estimate the rule of Firuz Tughlaq

  11. Give an account of the administrative system of the Delhi Sultanate.


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