New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

11th Third Revision Exam Question Paper 2019

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 70
    16 x 1 = 16
  1. How many organisms in the list below are autotrophs?
    1. Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Streptomyces, Saccharomyces,
    2. Trypanosoma, Porphyra, Wolffia.









  2. Example for negatively geotropic roots __________


    Ipomoea, Dahlia


    Asparagus, Ruellia


    Vitis, Portulaca


    Avicennia, Rhizophora

  3. Arrangement of sepals and petals in flower bud is called ________.









  4. Lysosomes release their enzymes outer side the cell to digest other cells _________________









  5. Who coined the term biodiversity?


    Walter Rosen


    AG Tansley




    AP de Candole

  6. The minute pores on the body of sponges are called _________









  7. The head region of Cockroach _______ pairs of _____ and shaped eyes occur.


    One pair, sessile compound and kidney shaped


    Two pairs, stalked compound and round shaped


    Many pairs, sessile simple and kidney shaped


    Many pairs, stalked compound and kidney shaped

  8. CO2 is transported through blood to lungs as _____.


    carbonic acid




    carbamino haemoglobin


    carboxy haemoglobin

  9. A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will have


    Less amino acids in his urine


    Macula densa cells


    Less urea in his urine


    More sodium in his urine

  10. __________ is a mixed nerve.









  11. Which of the given option shows all wrong statements for thyroid gland.
    (i) It inhibits process of RBC formation
    (ii) It helps in maintenance of water and electrolytes
    (iii) Its more secretion can reduce blood pressure
    (iv) It Stimulates osteoblast


    (i) and (ii)


    (iii) and (iv)


    (i) and (iv)


    (i) and (iii)

  12. Say True or False.
    A worker bee feeding on Royal Jelly becomes queen bee __________





  13. In Gymnosperms, the activity of sieve cells are controlled by _____.


    Nearby sieve tube members


    Phloem parenchyma cells


    Nucleus of companion cells


    Nucleus of albuminous cells

  14. Cobalt chloride strips are used to find ___________


    Presence of stomata in leaf


    Rate of transpiration




    All the above

  15. Dicarboxylic Acid pathway refers to __________


    C3 pathway


    C4 pathway


    C2 pathway



  16. Select the wrong statement from the following:


    Formative phase of the cells retain the capability of cell division.


    In elongation phase development of central vacuole takes place.


    In maturation phase thickening and differentiation takes place.


    In maturation phase, the cells grow further.

  17. 8 x 2 = 16
  18. What do you infer from the term pycnoxylic?

  19. What you know about Imperfect or unisexual flower? 

  20. Name any three odoured plastids

  21. What are pseudocoelomates? Give examples

  22. How does the male frog attract the female for mating?

  23. What are basophils?

  24. What vessels carry blood to the kidneys? Is this blood arterial or venous?

  25. Which is the only jointless bone in human body?

  26. Write the peculiar characters of duck.

  27. Differentiate sieve cells and sieve tubes

  28. Plant A in a nutrient medium shows whiptail disease. Plant B in a nutrient medium shows a little leaf disease. Identify mineral deficiency of plant A and B?

  29. What is critical day length?

  30. 6 x 3 = 18
  31. Write the characters of living things.

  32. Differentiate between aggregate fruit with multiple fruit.

  33. Mention the role of Inhibitors of Enzyme.

  34. Head of cockroach is called hypognathous. Why?

  35. Write a note on assimilation

  36. Which part of the autonomic nervous system is involved in micturition process?

  37. Define the two phase's involved in transmission of nervous impulses

  38. Give the economic importance of prawn fishery

  39. Mention two important products obtained from bark.

  40. List the types of Senescence.

  41. 4 x 5 = 20
  42. Give the salient features of the class Deuteromycetes.

  43. Write the Botanical Description of Allium cepa.

  44. Explain the excretory system of frog.

  45. What is erythroblastosis foetalis? How is it caused? Can it be treated?

  46. Identify the biological term
    Excretion, glomerulus, urinary bladder, glomerular filtrate, ureters,urine, Bowman’s capsule, urinary system, reabsorption, micturition, osmosis, proteins.
    a. A liquid which gathers in the bladder.
    b. Produced when blood is filtered in a Bowman’s capsule.
    c. Temporary storage of urine.
    d. A ball of inter twined capillaries.
    e. Removal of unwanted substances from the body.
    f. Each contains a glomerulus.
    g. Carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
    h. Scientific term for urination.
    i. Regulation of water and dissolved substances in blood and tissue fluid.
    j. Consists of the kidneys, ureters and bladder.
    k. Removal of useful substances from glomerular filtrate.
    l. What solute the blood contains that are not present in the glomerular filtrate?

  47. Briefly explain the structure of thyroid gland.

  48. Differentiate photosynthesis in plants and Bacterial photosynthesis.

  49. Describe the mechanism of photoperiodic induction of flowering.


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