New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Bio - Botany - Tissue and Tissue System Model Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    7 x 1 = 7
  1. In Gymnosperms, the activity of sieve cells are controlled by _____.


    Nearby sieve tube members


    Phloem parenchyma cells


    Nucleus of companion cells


    Nucleus of albuminous cells

  2. Grafting is successful in dicots but not in monocots because the dicots have _______.


    Vascular bundles arranged in a ring


    Cambium for secondary growth


    Vessels with elements arranged end to end


    Cork cambium

  3. Identify the correctly matched pair.


    Bicollateral vascular bundles - cucurbita pepo


    Amphicribal vascular bundles - dracaena


    Amphivasal vascular bundles - prunus


    Open vascular bundles - stem of Zea mays

  4. In a vertical section of a typical dicot leaf, the phloem in the mid-vein is situated


    Facing the lower epidermis


    Facing the upper epidermis


    Facing sideways


    All around the xylem

  5. Ground tissue includes ___________


    All tissues external to endodermis


    All tissues except epidermis & vascular bundles


    Epidermis & cortex


    All tissues internal to endodermis

  6. The term ____________ was coined by Nageli.









  7. The inactive region in root promeristem is called _____________


    Korper zone


    Quiescent centre


    Kappe zone



  8. 8 x 2 = 16
  9. Why the cells of sclerenchyma and tracheids become dead?

  10. What makes the pulp of pear gritty?

  11. How is the study of plant anatomy useful to us?

  12. What is the function of a guard cell?

  13. What are albuminous cells?

  14. What are passage cells?

  15. Explain open vascular bundle?

  16. What is aerenchyma?

  17. 4 x 3 = 12
  18. Distinguish fibre and sclereids?

  19. Differentiate the features of Monocot and Dicot leaf.

  20. What are Sieve cells?

  21. Differentiate Tracheids and Fibres.

  22. 3 x 5 = 15
  23. Explain sclereids with their types.

  24. Distinguish the anatomy of dicot root from monocot root.

  25. Distinguish the anatomy of dicot stem from monocot stem.


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